Some of This; Some of That 5/26

It's been a busy couple of weeks.  I've had little time for a lot of stuff, but the end is in sight. Plus this ongoing cool weather and cloudy skies makes me glum. Does the weather do a number on you?

First a stash report.  DDIL took 1.9 yds from my stash to make a quilt for her friend. I used .25 to make favors for the ladies at retreat - bookmarks. Then I made a sample log cabin with the new trim tool I bought - actually bought two - a regular 4" log cabin ruler and a curvy log cabin one. Works great as you just estimate the width of the strip and have no exact cutting to do except for the center square. Great for scraps.  Here's my first 4" from scraps as a test and new YTD total is 44.15 yards.

In the slow stitching I'm finishing that Anna's Garden block - only have the purple flower now to finish hand stitching. Then there are more hexies to work on. Glad I got two more applique started on the road to prepping at the quilt retreat.  I'll show those later.

On my design wall I have the start of another baby quilt - two rows so far. Here's the cute fabric Katy made a quilt out of and introduced me to this collection.  It's by Riley Blake and called "Jeep".

This week I missed a couple of days of sewing - after three days of intensive sewing my quilting mojo is exhausted.  So now the stats look like this:

15 minute days/week = 5/7 days

15 minute days/May = 24/25 days

15 minute days/2019 = 132/145

Success rate = 97.78%

Did you get to hand sew today?


  1. Love the log cabin block. Sewing mojo does have a limit, hopefully your couple of days off got yours all ready for a good week.

  2. Cloudy and grey skies day after day can make one a bit glum. Hopefully the sun shines for you soon. The log cabin tool looks interesting. It sounds as if you have a lot of lovely sewing projects in the works.

  3. Enjoy your stitching...look forward to seeing your hexies!

  4. Wow Angie, you managed to get heaps done. Love the log cabin block. Perhaps I suld use up some of my strips. Funny how you forget a block and then they are brought back into your thinking. Not sure if that makes sense. Hugs


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...