Design Wall Monday and other Stuff

On my design wall (but I don't have a photo yet) is my scrappy work in progress - the next baby quilt top. I have one column done and a few more blocks. Have to make 8 more blocks and that top will come together. Hope I can show you when I come back from the retreat.

I used a yard of this newborn print flannel to back a quilt top I had on hand.  Then I made binding for it. So 1.25 yds used. Also used .5 yd to start making my handouts for the quilt retreat in May.  So YTD total is now  32.72 yds. 

Then there is the 15 minutes in 2019:

15 minutes days/week = 6/7 days

15 minutes days/Mar = 8/9 days
15 minutes days/2019 = 66/68 days
Success rate = 97.06%

I couldn't put in my 15 on Ash Wednesday. As a Eucharist Minister, I helped distribute ashes at the earliest mass (6:30 AM). Then stayed as volunteer librarian at the parish school til 12 noon. In the afternoon walked to the bus stop to pick up Alan, then interacted with him til his mom picked him up at close to six, plus making dinner for him and hubby. I was just wiped out for the rest of the day and went to bed early.  I'm trying hard not to schedule more than one commitment per day.  It's hard to do, but that's my plan for this year.

This week is very full also - four days with DGKs and St. Annes, library and demo with a friend. She bought a Juki and wants me to share what I've learned about using it for quilting. Then Friday I'm off to a silent retreat. I'll need the quiet time by then.

I'll be linking to a few parties - you'll find them under my so named tab under the header. Have a blessed week. 

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2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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