Which is Better -

flannel or fleece for a design wall?  Please let me know.  Our Jo-Ann's is having a sale of both in the next couple of days.

The giveaway for the hexagon papers is still on. Go here to sign up to win. It will end today, Thursday, midnight. 

Sneaking into the sewing room a few minutes before the household is up (namely DGS #3), I've gotten a little farther on my scrap quilt:
 Units not in permanent positions.  I can see a couple of trouble spots that I spotted with my camera's color accent (or sepia) setting.
Do you use this method for arranging color in your quilt layouts?  Esther Aliu (she has a lot of good tips for creating quilts as well as fabulous patterns) got me started with this way to check my fabric selections and arrangements.

Do visit my tab for linky parties above under the header to see which one's I'm linking too.  You can, too.

Blessings to you!


  1. I look forward to seeing the answers. I am long overdue for a nice design wall. Beautiful quilt you've got going. Have a great day! Andrea

  2. sorry I do not have a design wall so cannot help though lots of people seem to use a flannelette sheet. Loving your crap quilts such a fun way to use up scraps

  3. Flannel would be better for a design wall. Or you could use felt like I am.

  4. Flannel, by far! Fleece would stretch too much!

  5. I love flannel for my wall. I bought a king-size flannel sheet - much less expensive than flannel, in my area. I was able to cover my wall with no seams!

  6. I vote for flannel - it's on most of the baby quilts I make. Fleece is a bit stretchy. Thanks for sharing this week!

  7. My friend made a set of design for me a few years ago. They are lovely to have. She taped batting to pieces of construction foam board and they work very well for me. I can move them easily - sometimes have them next to each other for bigger projects. Most of the time I just use one of them though - it's leaning against the wall behind the door to the sewing room! I didn't know flannel was a option for this. If I every run out of batting I guess I can swap out the batting on the board with the flannel I got at a recent garage sale...!

  8. I love your scrap quilt! I can't answer the fleece/flannel debate because I have my design walls covered with batting!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...