Progress on WIPs Be Gone

This block was so cute I had to make it right away. #76 of the Splendid Sampler blocks - not that I'm that far along. I think I'm missing about 20. As for scraps, let me show you what I think
 is scraps:

I am rethinking what to do with scraps.  The above will be for any collage and mosaic quilts I may want to make.  Anything else will be leftovers and I hope to deal with them as I create them instead of stuffing another bag with fabric.  

Now here's a recent WIP.  I finally decided how I was going to handle the on point block to form a rectangle.  First step:
I made this by using the exploding block in Jenny Doan's method.  Next I have to cut it (scary part) to make it into a thinner shape.

On an older WIP - am quilting the baby quilt with the same thread front and back and it stands out in the back!  I tried a lot of threads and nothing looked right on both sides. So yes, it's going to look different.  What color would you have used? 
Now here's the front.  You can see why there are circles on the back. Yes, the starts and stops show (but their aren't too many) as do the wobbles and bumps, but the stitching looks nice. Three more sections to do and I can start binding it.

So what are you up to these days?  Anything quilty?  I'd like to know about other stuff too. It will qualify for the giveaway.  This week I'm back to offering a quilting book of your choice of three.  I'll send you an email asking for your preference as to quilty subject. Usual guidelines apply: Leave me a comment for one chance.  Link your eye candy for another (link button below). Follow me and let me know for a third. Remember if you don't have a blog, you can always post a photo from a photo hosting service.  Please be sure there is some way for me to contact you. Ends next Thursday, midnight. I'll be linking to several parties.  See tab above. I'll post this week's winner Sunday. Blessings!


  1. lots going on with you SS block looks super, love Kacquelynne`s designs.Circles look good, can only quilt them by hand. Have been busy with 5 baby quilts this week just have to hand sew the binding on the 5th then into the wah with them all.

  2. Love your SS block. At first glance I thought you had appliqued the tea cup. I've adopted a similar attitude about my scraps, trying to use them up immediately rather than stuffing into a drawer or bin.

  3. I like the Splendid Sampler block. The circles are a neat idea and easy too, no marking. Blessings, Gretchen

  4. I'm not linking because I'm in the middle of a bad couple of weeks and really don't have anything to show! I do love your baby quilt, and the circles look great! I see nothing wrong with them really showing up on the back in that color.

  5. You do amazing work and lots of it.
    I want to be like you one day.
    Last week was been without any sewing and limited stitching for some reason. I'm not exactly sure why.
    I have a busy week this week and hope to at least take my applique with me.

  6. A neat trick I learnt, while machine quilting, use the colour on the back in your bobbin, the colour you want to quilt on top. Then quilt the quilt. You never see the bottom thread on top or the top thread on the back. The batting prevents this from happening, hiding the loop stitch in the layers.

  7. Hello Angie,

    It's always such fun following a printed pattern on the front and seeing how the quilting looks on the back. What colour thread? Variegated, every time, the best blend to go with the fabrics.

    Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks.

    Love, Muv


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Flimsy Coming Soon

Three days of playing with scraps and yardage. Just need 2 borders to make this a finished baby quilt flimsy. Blessings,