Stash Report 2/26/12

I've been working on Feb's UFO finally - lol.  Have only one row to add to the top and I'll be ready to sandwich.  I may get done before wednesday!  For most of the month I worked to finish my January UFO.  I'll show that later this week.  It is done - woohoo! For the rest of the week, I mostly made blocks from the Boms I'm participating in and finished a charity quilt which I posted about on friday.  I also went to the LQS which is moving and bought 6 yards for a different BOM I should be starting soon.  Then I bought and received 5.5 yards from the Fat Quarter Shop for Esther's new BOM that starts Feb 29th.  If you like applique, you should go over there and check out her quilts(forget me not button on sidebar).  The one for 2012 will be a mystery BOM.  So here are my numbers:
Used/Donated this week:    1.0 yards
Used/Donated YTD:        22.1 yards
Added/Bought this week: 11.5 yards
Added/Bought YTD:       19.5 yards
Net Used YTD:                2.6 yards least I am still in the black.  Once I cut into that fabric for the two BOMs, out they come.

Go on over the Judy's Patchwork Times and see how others are doing (button on sidebar).

1 comment:

  1. Ooh - which other BOMS are you doing? Look forward to checking them out.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...