Why I Haven't been Quilting

 Fess up time. I've been remiss in posting my progress because there is no progress. Well, at least not until a few days ago.  And that is because I fell and badly jarred my bum leg which I fractured in two places in 2015. Now I've become good friends with my,

yes, walker. Happened April 4th. The good news is that I only jarred it badly. All the hardware from the 2015 break held all in place. The bad news is that it wasn't all that happened.  Emergency Services didn't find everything. Saw my primary care at 3 weeks exactly and got more imaging.  It showed that I broke my right inferior pubic ramus ( part of sacrum). That's why it is still painful (can't take opiods only NSAIDs). Now off to CT scan and visit to Orthopedics in the next couple of days. 

Back to quilting:  I've been able to get back into my sewing room this last week with careful, slow maneuvering. Hubby gave me a great 4" cushion that eased my sitting, and I was able to quilt on my domestic. Finished quilting a baby quilt.

Here's a 1/4th of it:

and slowly, slowly making blocks for my own SAHRR:

That's it for now. Would love to hear from you - help me not dwell on the pain. Drop me a line and I'll come over and comment on your doings. I'm linking to Design Wall Mondays .  Have a look-see. Blessings to you all, and Watch your Step!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you! It's frustrating when the medical people aren't seeing everything that is causing you the problem. Hope each day gets better. So glad you've found a comfortable way to quilt - it's such good medicine!

  2. So sad about your fall and medical problems! So glad you and hubby figured a way to get back to quilting!

  3. So sorry about your injury. Praying for you. So sweet that hubby helped you with a cushion. The baby quilt is looking wonderful.

  4. Falls are scary and they hurt! I'm glad to hear you're on the mend. Keep quilting.

    1. Quilting is the soothing relief in my life. It centers me. Thanks for coming by.

  5. Oh Angie, I'm so sorry you fell. But so glad you didn't break any bones with the leg that's already had some troubles. Falls are coming more often with me too, and I just got an Apple watch, which will notify my husband if I fall. And also call 911 if I want it too. It is necessary at my age, even though I try to be careful. I am praying for you to make a complete recovery. Hugs, Judy

  6. Ouch! I hope you heal fast! I'm not getting a lot done, either, and not blogging at all. Maybe soon.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...