I like Thursdays

 The week has flown by. It will soon be Thursday and time to report what we liked last week.  First  advice from Web MD that I liked:

You knew it was good for you! -- How to Prevent Memory Loss:
On my long bucket list. From a Pinterest site.
may be La passacaglia Ballet Penrose 
Do all the usual things that are good for you: Be social, get exercise, eat well, sleep enough, and don’t smoke. Think of your brain like a muscle -- use it or lose it. Play games like crosswords and Sudoku. Read books or magazines that challenge you. Learn a foreign language or a new instrument. Do projects that take planning, like quilting or a garden. 

And speaking of gardens - here's another yellow bloom:

Also I like how useful my smart phone camera is when I'm quilting. I take a photo when I've laid out some units.  It helps see where things need to be rearranged.  And then when I have a setting I like, the photo helps me sew it order. The photo lets me check which goes where without labeling all those 49 blocks.

Lastly, was talking to a friend who lives in Honolulu. I like her pointing out that the Hawaii News has the latest on the volcano for me to read. In 1995 my husband and I walked the trail that is now buried in the molten lava at the main crater. So now I click on the link and get my volcanology fix.

I hope you get to quilt this week and post about your likes at LeeAnna's. Blessings,


  1. Even when symptoms of memory loss have begun, doctors will encourage patients to do these things. So it's never too late to begin! And, Yes, to quilting!!

    Glad you are finding your smart phone so handy, Angie. I'm not sure what I'd do without it at this point both as camera, computer, timer, and so on. I believe it's become my most vital tool in the studio now. Thanks for sharing your HST work. I love the transition you're making from the yellow to the green. It's beautiful!

  2. Good Morning!
    Woot woot to have permission to keep quilting since it is good for me and my brain! Really pretty yellow bloom - I've not seen too many deep, rich yellows like that. And great use for your phone! I do that too, and use the b/w feature on the picture to see the tonal values in case things need to be shifted around. I love your bucket list item from Pinterest - are you going to start it soon? Happy Mother's Day!
    ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Great article...thanks for sharing the important info with us. The yellow flowers and quilt block are so pretty.

  4. pretty yellows! And I have a friend in HI too... do you ever get envious of her flowers? lol
    Yellow flowers are just the spring tonic we need. LeeAnna

  5. Lovely layout of your HSTs Angie. Going to be a very pretty quilt. Thanks for the heads up that all the things I like to do are going to keep my brain going. Your yellow flowers are sweet too. We're having a fabulous autumn so far. Hugs.

  6. I love knowing that quilting is good for our brains! I always thought it would be! I've been taking lots of photos when trying different layouts - it's amazing how you see things in a photo that you miss in real life.

  7. Quilting and dancing... my mind should be good for a while.

    A penrose tile quilt is on my bucket list as well!

  8. Funny I am quite old and decided my mind is slipping so bought a keyboard and I am slowly learning to play the piano.

  9. Good advice to aid memory - I can use it!

    It is interesting to read/see pictures about places you've been and to be able to say - I have been at exactly that spot! Sad for those affected by the volcano!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...