I Like Thursday

Things I've liked this week:

In the garden - we don't have a lawn in the normal sense, but we do have unusual plants. Here's one
It's a convoluted, frilly like, monstrous specimen of a succulent.  Something I'd probably see on the planet Pandora.

With the grandkids - DGS#4 is doing his first animal report.  He's chosen a Carassius Auratus. There are many and belong to the carp family of fish.  Here's one that looks like a former pet.

In our faith life - Lent is ongoing. I'm following along again with Dynamic Catholic's Best Lent Ever  Five minutes of reflection each day that brings me closer and deeper into a daily spiritual life and toward Easter.

And in the sewing room, I'm enjoying the ghost patterns that appear on the back of my Mod-Mod Sampler as I quilt each block.

What has brightened your world?  Leave me a comment - I'd like to know.  Or visit other Thursday posters at LeeAnna's I like Thursdays list.


  1. So you liked Pandora too? I watched Avatar twice because I was captivated by the plant life/trees that were so beautifully depicted. I will look forward to the next one. Meanwhile here on earth, hope your Friday is great!

  2. That is a cool plant! neat.

    You have reminded me that I really need to sit and meditate in the morning. :-)

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! I really like yours and hope to explore it more today. I love the backing fabric you used for your quilt! That plant is cool! Have a great day!

  4. Hi Angie, what a fun looking plant. Funny you mention Pandora - our youngest son Richard worked on that movie and is working on the sequel. Proud moment when seeing his name in the credits, but it's a very long list lol.
    The patterns created by quilting are wonderful.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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