I've Been Somewhat Busy

It's been a quilty week - two projects I can't even show you because they're just off the germ stage at this point.  I did work on my scrap bag quilts.

Got this 30" top done by adding two borders. Sorry for the poor photo.  Hope to quilt it soon.
This second quilt from the scrap bag just needs borders now. Think I'll add two and miter the last one.  We'll see.  It will be a 36" one for St. Anne's.  Probably another member will assemble and quilt it. 
Got another 6 done!  Working on the last 6 now and I did have enough fabric (will be scrappier blocks than these). May sprinkle them among the others to see if they blend in.
Here's a project I forgot to update in my 2017 review.  Made 4 blocks in 2017!  40% done now - woohoo.
Last, but not least, stitched my circle of curvy hexies to its center. I like how the purple makes that circle shape.  However, I haven't a clue what to use next (fabric-wise).  Any suggestions?

I'm  linking to Amanda Jean's Finish it Up Friday, Sarah's Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?, Myra's Finished Or Not Fridays , and Jennifer's Wednesday Wait Loss. Do go by and see all the lovely postings. Blessings.


  1. Hi, You asked for suggestions. I never know if people mean that or not. What I would do is take the LG + time consuming EPP/hexies, unless that is what you love doing, &sew it onto fabric LG enough to be a table topper or wall quilt then quilt it--done! Actually if you enjoy the quilting I would repeat the pattern EPP would have made. Or quilt as is showing off how good you are with binding :)

  2. "Somewhat busy" is an understatement. I love what you do with bits and bobs.

  3. Love looking at your work. You sound VERY busy to me! Keep up the great work. Sometimes it is good to keep some things simple and get them finished instead of having them hanging around in the UFO stack, etc.

  4. Tremendously dedicated to your sewing, I'd say~ I'm glad some sewing is happening somewhere because it's a slow game on this field. Delighted to see all the St. Anne's quilts. They are truly such a blessing!

  5. Lots accomplished! That owl print is so cute in the one quilt. I don't know how far out the hexie quilt is going, so it's hard to offer any ideas. I keep coming back to something neutralish for the next part - something creamy? - that will give an eye-rester before figuring out the next color pop.

  6. Love the checkerboard baby quilt and the log cabin blocks. I never stitch blocks together till all are made.That way if I run out of fabric and need to substitute, I can spread it around.

  7. something keeps telling me that I would go with a more solid yellow on the next round of the hexes and then maybe a light green print. Enjoy whatever you decide.

  8. All so pretty. Hexies are something that I have not attempted yet. Yes, you sure have accomplished a lot. Blessings in 2018.

  9. Great accomplishment to get so much done. Love them all. I agree with "c" about possible next colour choices. Your applique blocks are beautiful. I have only two to go. Yay. However, I always remember "good things, take time" as a famous (in New Zealand) ad says. Hehe.

  10. This is what you call "somewhat busy"? Man, you amaze me! You've made progress on so many projects! Congrats. What a great way to start the year. Thanks for lining to Wednesday Wait Loss.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...