WIP/UFO, 6 & 6 Challenge List for 2018

I've linked again to Judy's UFO Challenge for 2018.  Needed to make a list of 12 WIPs of anything crafty. And I'm doing Meredithe's and Anne's 6 & 6 in 2018 also.  I'm going to use 6 old ones from the list for Judy's challenge for the 6 & 6.  The odd months on this later one is for a new project - I've decided to make My Small World by Jen Kingwell.  It's a gorgeous wall hanging.

1.  Finish making the blocks of this scrap log cabin. Twelve to go if I have enough fabric.  If not, then I'll have to think of a new layout.

2.   Sandwich and quilt this top from Karen at Faeries and Fibres QAL

 3. Make more blocks for Anna's Garden

4. Complete my Easy Street top

 5. Quilt my Riverside quilt.

 6. Add leaves  and flowers to the nine baskets blocks

7. Finish this fourth Benjamin Briggs block.

8. Make the remaining two baskets in the center block of LE

 9. Assemble, sandwich and quilt

10.  Sandwich and quilt my Mod Block Lotto quilt

11. Japanese place mats 

12. Bonnie's En Provence - assemble, sandwich and quilt.

Four more below for the 6 & 6 in 2018 challenge  (hers are every 3 weeks and is asking only for significant progress. UFOs are all the even months - this gives me 8 choices of UFOs in case I've lost interest in some.

13.  Contine on Bliss.

14.   Continue on my Hexie Garden.

15.   Continue on Our Lady quilt top.

16.  Women's Voices top.  Keep working on this.

New projects:
  1.  My Small World by Jen Kingwell.
c. Quiltmania 2015
2. Meadow by Jen Kingwell Design Group.
3. Sweet Land of Liberty Sew Along at Humble Quilts


  1. I am determined to finish more this coming year - will be a great year for us!

  2. I really love that medallion quilt! Both of these challenges are superb motivators, and I'm looking forward to a really productive year. Thanks for reminding me that I need to get my list put together for 2018.

  3. Beautiful projects. Your colors for the Block Lotto quilt are outstanding. Will be fun to see how you finish it up!

  4. So many wonderful projects! My Small World is on my list, as well!

  5. Delighted that you are joining in with the challenge - looking forward to seeing your progress. Anne

  6. My Small World and LE are fabulous!! Looking forward to watching your progress!

  7. Well, from what I can see in this post, you don't do easy. You do what you love. You have many many wonderful projects in progress. I am IN LOVE with the photo of your "New Start" this year. It has really caught my eye so I will be looking it up and following your progress.

  8. I like the idea of old in even months and new in odd months....might have to think about that for myself, but possibly the other way around so I motivate myself to work on something old this month.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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