Some of This; Some of That

First the destashing:  Used 2.42 yds for 9 blocks I'm using in two projects and the binding for the t-shirt quilt.   I'm giving my neighbor another 2 yards for her stash - she's a new quilter and hasn't built it up yet.  So my YTD total now is 63.06 yards.

This afternoon, after my DGS leaves, hope to do some slow Sunday stitching on an applique block I prepped earlier this year.  I've been working on it as I take my friend to her radiation treatments.  I don't think I've shown this Anna's Garden block before:

This is one of my WIPs Be Gone projects, so I'm glad to be back to working on it.

Out in the garden I found a last and rare blooming going on.  One of the last flowers to bloom are my sulfur cosmos. These have grown taller and blooming later with each season I save seed. So I may have to start from brand new seeds next spring. When I first planted them, they were only about 2 feet tall when they bloomed.  Now if I let them - they'd be 5 feet tall.
I'm standing in a well around the house. That's why they look taller than I.  I see these from my kitchen window.  Here's a close up so you can see the luscious sulfur color. 

And the rare flower (well at least to me as it is a night bloomer and I rarely catch one open) is from a Pilosocereus cactus I noticed from my bathroom window.  

I'm linking the Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Oh Scrap, and quiltpaintcreate's Sunday Stash report. Check them out. 

October is almost gone!  Blessings,


  1. Beautiful block! Those are the perfect traveling/waiting room project. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  2. Beautiful block Angie. Enjoy the slow stitching. ;^)

  3. Very pretty block. I always take some kind of hand work with me when I know I have to wait.

  4. Love seeing your cosmos :) When I was a little girl, my grandmother started me off with cosmos...the first seeds that I planted.

    I generally plant them every year since then...still have a few in bloom here now! :) But that color of your variety I've not seen ; gorgeous!

    That's a lovely applique block / enjoy your stitching :)

  5. A perfect project to stitch while waiting for your friend!

  6. Your block is so lovely - the colors seem to be the same as your blooming garden! I'm sure your friend is grateful for your presence during her radiation treatments! Bless you! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Very beautiful block Angie. The colours are so rich. Thoughtful of you to help out your friend. Hugs.

  8. So nice to see what you see. Our window views are very different. We remarked today that the lawn is as green now in November as it was in early spring. What an unusual year we've had.

    I love the colors in your applique block, Angie. The batik adds a lot of texture to the whole thing, and it seems to almost create movement. Whatever this winds up in will be beautiful!

  9. Your flowers are so pretty. We've turned cold finally, and ours have all died out, most of the leaves are on the ground, too. Your applique block is so pretty!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...