This Coming Week

As well as my meditative sewing, this is what I'll be doing this coming week before the Easter Triduum:

Destashing:  .65 yd (bindings) - 0.0 + 1.0 yd = 1.65 yds destashed. YTD: 40.05 yds  


The fish motif came from the backing enlarged 300%

Not attic window this time - Aquarium view.

Will be delivered Sunday.

And in the garden - the Cecil Brunner is gloriously in bloom:
Blessings to all.


  1. Took me a minute to catch the joke!

  2. I love attic windows but have never done one myself. Yours is beautiful. LOL. I like the aquarium.

  3. the aquarium look super. Lent seems to have flown this year

  4. It looks like you've been very busy. Despite that, quilting is contemplative and meditative. It's perfect for the last week of Lent. I hope you enjoy your quiet time. Thank you for all you share.

  5. The aquarium block is so whimsical. It definitely made me smile. Congratulations on a finish! Enjoy your meditations this coming week.

  6. What a wonderful whimsical quilt! Happy Easter !

  7. How CUTE!! Your aquarium view is just darling! And I love the fishy print -- what FUN! :)

  8. Is the fish the quilting motif? I wasn't quite sure!

  9. What a clever idea to enlarge that fabric in order to get your quilting pattern. I love it!

  10. What a fun project. Happy quilting.

  11. Very cute quilt. And very clever to enlarge the backing fish and use it for quilting.

  12. I wasn't sure why you enlarged the fish. Now I see. Very clever. Happy Easter.

  13. Ha - wonderful kitty TV right in their windows! What a great idea!

  14. Oh, cool! That was a great idea to enlarge the backing fish. Love the Aquarium variation. :D

  15. Angie,

    Aquarium view is hilarious. You even have spots on the fabrics that look like bubbles. Lucky baby that gets that one!

    Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks.

    Love, Muv


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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