On This Day

For Lent I've decided not to give up anything, but instead to give more time to meditation, reflection and prayer - a kind of silent retreat. That will mean less time on the computer. I may post once in a while on a Sunday -we do not fast on the Lord's Day, most likely a silent message. Feel free to leave your own silent message or your prayer requests.  I'll add them and you to my prayers.  I'll be back Easter Monday.
"...for dust you are and to dust you will return." --Genesis 3:19


  1. Blessings to you! I pray the Lord blesses your time with his Spirit!

  2. Blessings as you take this time to reflect and pray.
    I am taking one hour each day to write my next book.
    I do appreciate prayers as I am writing about
    a difficult time in my life to share with others
    to bring hope and healing.

  3. Thanks Angie......for bringing Mother Teresa's book A Call to Mercy to my attention. I borrowed a cd audio version from the local public library. Very good! I love silent retreats and solitude. I will increase my times with HIM. He is my constant help. Appreciate you!

  4. Blessings Angie. I will miss you but I know it won't be too long. Take care. ;^)

  5. thankyou for sharing this prayer with us, a time of quiet reflection is a good thing to do, I have a season for the spirit to ponder on by Martin Smith as we no longer have any Christian bookshops here in Leeds so using a book from a few years ago.

  6. May these days bring blessings to you. I will be be working toward being more positive in my words and actions. Thank you for sharing this prayer.

  7. Wishing you a very peaceful and reflective Lenten season.

  8. Your plan can only bring you closer to the Lord. I like it. In a sense you are giving up some worldliness, if one wanted to look at it that way. If you could pray for the Paz family, I would be grateful. They are refugees whose visas run out on July 1, and they are trying to get political asylum because of persecution in their home country. They are so sweet and so industrious, mom, dad, a small boy and a smaller girl. Thank you, Angie.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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