UFO Challenge and 17 UFOs in 2017 Report

January is over and it's time to report on my progress with these old projects.

First off ( and also the one I did for the 17 UFOs in 2017 challenge) was my Anna's Garden.  It was probably the fact I had to report that I got done - not one - but three applique blocks and did 1/3 of the prepping on a fourth block. That fourth one doesn't look like much. It represents cutting the background, numbering the templates, cutting out the paper templates, and constructing freezer paper copies reversed. Luckily it only has 16 pieces.  This  makes almost 10 out of 21 applique blocks for the quilt. The last 4 are piecework.  You can see my first 6 here.

The "17 in 2017" is every three weeks. The 23rd I started to work on these string blocks a la Bonnie Hunter. I'm trying to use up strings of fabric. I had four done and managed in a week to finish 5 more and start on another three. Still haven't decided how I'm going to lay them out.

That's my report - no finishes, but some progress.  Working on #9 this time as per Judy.  Again, making blocks. Judy's post is here for February.

I hope you get to quilt today.


  1. Progress is progress. Looking good!

  2. Lovely applique! Any progress is a step forward to the finish! Good job!

  3. your applique is beautiful what an amazing quilt you will have when completed. String blocks coming along well too

  4. Great that you achieve 4 blocks instead of 1!!! I really like your string blocks time consuming but Oghhhhh. they look great. You've had a good month. Cheers Glenda

  5. Excellent progress on the applique. The preparation is always the longest and it is completely invisible to someone who doesn't applique. But I can see it. Those blocks are lovely. Enjoy the strings. ;^)

  6. Fabulous! You have some beautiful blocks there.

  7. Not difficult to tell lots of time is involved in the appliqué and string blocks--lots of pretty fabric got touched, too :)

  8. Any progress is good. You made a lot in January.

  9. You've made progress and that's the aim, so well done you!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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