Third December WIPs Be Gone

I finished a baby quilt.  These go fast because they're so small - 30" square for the NICU at the regional hospital.
 If you're interested, I'm posting the pattern for this Double Sawtooth one block quilt under my free patterns tab.
The fabric is so cute I wanted to keep it intact. I made the top way back in April when our Guild had a sew day for making baby tops.  I think the fabric is by Michael Miller.
 I free motion quilted the center from left to right,
and added freezer paper stars in the corner blocks.

I'm linking to Michelle's Let's Make Baby quilts and a few others you'll find under my linky party tab.
I hope you find a few moments to sew today during this busy season - it's so peaceful when we do.

What are you up to?  Link up and I'll come by to see.


  1. Do you put flannel on the back of the NICU quilts?

  2. Sometimes I put flannel, Libby. This time, not, because I didn't have anything close to matching. The batting is a wool blend and is so soft - thought that would do for baby.

  3. So cute and I am sure a really satisfying finish!

  4. Hi Angie, this baby quilt is absolutely darling! We love your free motion quilting -- you do such beautiful work! And, that fabric is too adorable for words. Congratulation on finishing another W.I.P. Spectacular ! Blessings always, from Marina and Daryl Lynn

  5. cute baby quilt, sorry nothing to share as have not blogged for a while

  6. It might be small but it's just darling. That fabric is to die for - it will be loved.

  7. I love that fabric! It's an adorable baby quilt. I have not been doing much of anything.

  8. Really cute Angie. I love making baby quilts too. Hope you have a blessed Christmas and a joyful new year. We are hoping for fine and sunny over here. Lol.

  9. Hello Angie - Happy New Year!

    I love the baby quilt, such sweet fabric, and it's so satisfying to have something finished at this time of year.

    Thank you for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks! Your quilt is the first featured project for 2017!

    Love, Muv


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...