It's Gwennie Inspired Time!

The third round of the Gwennie Inspired Medallion QAL was log cabins.
I chose to make the medallion be the center of a log cabin. It looks mild compared to the colorful others, but that's what came to me when I went to do this.  You can see the colorful and creative others here.  Next round is stars!


  1. A simple border for a great result !

  2. Bravo! That is such a simple and effective solution for the log cabin. I love it!

  3. I love the colors in your quilt. So pretty - great job. Looking forward to your star round!

  4. Your log cabin frame complements the center very well. Beautifully done.

  5. Great idea. Your quilt is looking good. Hugs

  6. Very clever and so pretty with the rest of your medallion!

  7. It looks great! Not all borders need to be big and crazy :)

  8. I do like that. I think it will make a restful spot between the stars and the squares.

  9. A beautiful beautiful block, I have always liked the log-cabin and seeing it like this is just charming. Cheers Glenda

  10. Your block really looks great. The colors are so refreshing. I kinda got the same idea for this round on my own quilt. The log cabin is a favorite, and has so many variations :)

  11. "Mild" is good, too. I think your cabin is a great choice for your quilt.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  12. I like your border - it's a nice frame for your center, and it will let the stars shine in the next border!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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