Medallion QAL

Here's my center for the Gwennie Inspired Medallion QAL started by Lori of Humble Quilts.  You can read about it here .

The theme for the first month was baskets.  I've been super busy with company, family and special events. Throw in a few bout of sickness and my sewing time has been very limited, but I so want to do this QAL.  Soo... for this month I very loosely interpreted Gwen's liberating quilting and chose to do broderie perse  for my basket.  It just doesn't have a handle.  I hope Gwen would approve that I used what I had (an old tablecloth) and a pair of scissors, some steam-a-seam, and a 12 1/2" square to make my center. Do go over to Lori's to see all the centers that have been revealed today. Next month's theme is childhood.  I already have an idea - hope I can execute it more "Marston" this time. 


  1. I love your medallion and the broderie perse is a great idea !!

  2. Your basket is so charming and looks like an antique basket..;) I love it...

  3. I really like your block! Love the tablecloth print!!

  4. Beautiful block with broderie perse, charming version.

  5. Your use of the blue and white fabric is very nice. Such a pretty block.

  6. I'm sure Gwen would approve! Great idea to repurpose the tablecloth. Many a medallion quilt began with a chintz or broderie perse center back in the day.

  7. Sweet basket, this will be a fun QAL.

  8. Love the idea of using tablecloth print and broderie perse -- so clever!

  9. I like your basket! I was tempted by this one, too, but I was very firm with myself! I'll enjoy watching you progress instead. No more bouts of sickness, ya hear me?

  10. This QAL looks perfect for you. Stay well.

  11. Gwen would surely approve! I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone does for the childhood round -- so many options.

  12. liking the basket and that you chose to do this technique

  13. Nice Job. Now I have to wait for your interpretation of childhood.

    Kathleen Mary

  14. Lovely basket! Such a great idea using the table cloth and broderie perse!

  15. What a pretty basket! Love you idea of using the tablecloth. It will be fun to watch you develop this into a medallion as the QAL goes on.

  16. Your basket is beautiful. I've never tried broderie perse but I like the idea that you used it for this block. It's hard when we have other commitments that prevent us from sewing and quilting, isn't it? It's good you were able to create this block and participate. I'm looking forward to seeing your first border.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  17. It's been a while since I dropped in, I saw your block on the link up and loved it straight away and had to drop in to tell you. Cheers Glenda

  18. Beautiful center for your quilt!

  19. Hi Angie, having a hard time remembering your email. I have ordered Gwen's book and thinking about playing the catchup game on this one. How long will it go on?



Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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