WIPs Be Gone & Giveaway

I had hoped to have two finished WIP tops to show you, but at least I have one:
This WIP #2 is from 10 years ago.  Had all the sub units made; just needed to put them into blocks and then into a top.  It will be the next top I quilt.

WIP #3 got another row to its border, two more to go.

I was kept busy quilting that baby top that I started last year -WIP #5.  It goes to St Anne's tomorrow for another member to bind.  Here's the back to show the quilting.
And here's the front:
These blocks were part of the month RSC2015 had orange and pink.  You can see why I showed you the back. The quilting hardly shows on the front.

Now it's your turn. Would love to see what you're working on, whether finished or WIP progress or an old post, or even about what is going on in your life - not necessarily quilty. Share your goodness. Linky below closes Monday, midnight.

And I have a mystery giveaway - another book for someone who links up. I'll be sending the winner a list of three titles from which one can be picked. Remember if you don't have a blog, you can always post a photo from a photostream.  Please be sure there is some way for me to contact you.  I'll be linking to several parties - Tab above.



  1. 2 very nice quilts nearly completed great fabric on the child one

  2. That babyquilt is so beautiful with all that happy colors! Congrts with finishing a ten years old top!!

  3. One is Awesome!! It is progress ! very pretty quilt!

  4. I LOVE the one you finished! The design, the colors, everything about it - so appealing. You did a great job of quilting on that baby quilt, especially considering it was only 15-20 minutes a day!

  5. The first one caught my eye and glad you finished it,best later than never and sure you will try the others one.

    Feliz fin de.Besos

  6. The baby quilt is a real winner, so colorful and a nice finish.

  7. Thanks for sharing the link to your blog. I'll follow along and be ready to show something next time. Have a fabulous week!

  8. How beautiful - I really like how you changed it - suddenly the flowers popped right out!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Flimsy Coming Soon

Three days of playing with scraps and yardage. Just need 2 borders to make this a finished baby quilt flimsy. Blessings,