Some WIPs Be Gone progress and 2nd Giveaway

Our winner of last week's giveaway is Susan of Desertsky Quilting.  Hope to hear from you, Susan, so I can send you the list of books to choose from.  Yes, list - I've been weeding again.  It's interesting how likes  and style change as time passes while I quilt.  I seem to be moving away from the more traditional quilts to new challenges.  Have you seen your project preferences change?

Here's another outer row for that Jubilee quilt which is WIP #3:
It's going slow because I have been spending almost all of my quilting time trying to finish this:
The quilting for WIP #2 is about 90% done.  After the SID on most of the seams I've been concentrating on quilting the motif for the squares and the sides of the squares:
I got the quilt motif from a pattern from Allpeoplequilt found here .  I just modified it by making it simpler.  You have to download the pattern to see the motif on page 6.

That's my WIP progress this week.  How about you?  Link below and you'll have a chance at another book. I'll be sending the winner a list of three titles from which one can be picked. Remember if you don't have a blog, you can always post a photo from a photostream.  Please be sure there is some way for me to contact you.  I'll be linking to several parties - Tab above.


  1. Congrats on moving some stuff out. I've been quilting at least 16 years and my tastes have definitely changed. I've been through fads and color phases. What's been most interesting to discover is that much of my "early works" could be classified as "modern" today.

  2. Both sides of your quilt are awesome!

  3. I think that is true - our tastes and interest change. Also - I like to be challenged so I am always thinking of *new* to me things to attempt!

  4. Thanks, Angie! I'm a bit behind on reading things, so this was a nice surprise! The last week whizzed by, and I have to think about what to link for this week. Your progress was good! The quilting looks perfect for the design, and I love what you've done.

  5. Fabulous quilting and love both sides.

    Have a fun weekend.

  6. The quilting is gorgeous! Good luck with your WIPs this week.

  7. Angie, your quilting work is FABULOUS! We love the quilting pattern, and the patchwork motif is a wonderful blend of traditional and modern geometric piecing. We really like these "transitional" patterns which bridge both traditional and contemporary motifs. Excellent choice of both patchwork and quilting patterns!
    Blessings to you, :-) from Marina and Daryl

  8. Your quilting - I'm drooling over it, so I won't get to close.
    Kathleen Mary

  9. Love the quilting you have done! Thanks for hosting, I will link up with you!

  10. Hello Angie,
    I really love the colours on the quilt on the third picture, and great quilting too!
    Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks!
    Love, Muv


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...