WIPs Be Gone

I won't be showing you my WIPs this week.  Oh, I worked on them, but they're just a little farther along -  all three of them, so instead of boring you with the very similar photos of them, here's a little news for you.

First, I'd like to announce the winner of last week's mystery item.  It was a book and won by Marsha at Quilter in Motion.
This is the book I read and used to make my elephant quilt:

Now that I understand the concept, I thought I'd pass it along to another quilter. So as soon as I hear from Marsha, I'll be sending it. And no, Gretchen, I haven't forgotten that I need to send you the hexagons. I've just not had someone in the past week to go to the post office for me.  It's frustrating not being able to drive.

Secondly, as I browsed and found the Blenders book, I found a couple more books that I want to send to new homes.  These are free for the cost of shipping.  First one who is willing to pay the media mail shipping via PayPal gets it.  1/19 - these are taken. More later. I found some duplicates of others.
cost of shipping in US: $3.22

cost of shipping in US: $3.22

What are you up to? Would love to see it, whether finished or WIP progress or an old post, or even about what is going on in your life - not necessarily quilty. Share your goodness. Linky below ends Monday, midnight.


  1. Thanks for organising this linky. xx

  2. Don't worry about the hexagons, I had actually forgotten about them. Blessings, Gretchen

  3. I would love either one! Let me know how to get it to you thru PP

    Working by the woodstove on POTC...having a hard time deciding what to do with those paths.

  4. Oh my goodness! I'm in shock. I opened up your post as I do whenever I receive notice of a new one and my name was in the first paragraph! I WON that great book. Thank you so much. I will enjoy reading it during my convalescence this winter and hopefully can give the process a try come Spring.

    Love your blog and your generous spirit. Hugs, Marsha. I will send you an email.

  5. Gimmeclems, I'd love to let you know how to send one to you, however, you are a no-reply blogger and I can't find a way to send you the info. Hope you read this, and send me a private e-mail. anudge(at)gmail(dot)com.

    Dear readers, If any of you are also no-reply bloggers and want a reply or have won something at my blog - but have chosen to be no-reply, please leave your email as I did above so I can contact you. Blessings,

  6. The elephant quilt is so interesting. That border looks so complicated but it makes the quilt so vibrant. Congrats. Love it. ;^)

  7. The way you blended the border on the elephant quilt looks fabulous -- as though we have to walking into the forest to get close to the elephant. Thanks for hosting the link-up.
    Nancy. (ndmessier @ aol.com, joyforgrace.blogspot.com)

  8. The blended borders on the elephant quilt takes it to a whole different level. Great!

  9. I remember the Elephant quilt, the blended border really takes it up a notch. Progress is progress even if it's not photo worthy. Hope WIP progress is just as good this week.

  10. Still love the elephant quilt! Congratulations to the winner of the book that spawned it. Those are great books you are willing to give away.

  11. I would love either one, or both. Hope you are healing well. Let me know how to get the book(s). Take care


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Flimsy Coming Soon

Three days of playing with scraps and yardage. Just need 2 borders to make this a finished baby quilt flimsy. Blessings,