WIPs Be Gone Week #51

Back to a WIP - #3 exactly.
I'm sewing the remaining 33 flowers I made for this project to background squares.  Little by little...

I'm also halfway done now with the baby quilt I started:
This takes concentration to get the units sewn in the right order.  Had to rip a whole row seam out because I sewed it in the wrong direction.  My quilt design for sewing tips grows. So far

Measure twice, cut once
Label and pin, sew once

I'm sure there'll be more.  What are you up to? Would love to hear about it, whether finished or WIP progress or an old post, or even about what is going on in your life - not necessarily quilty.  Is the season under control at your house?  Share your status in a comment. With Christmas just a week away, no linking here today.  We're all too busy for posting, right?   Merry Christmas!


  1. Hi there, did I miss the link button?? LeeAnna

  2. Thanks for coming by LeaAnna. No link party this week - figured everyone is too busy getting last minute details in for the day of the Greatest Gift. Merry Christmas.

  3. Little by little is the best way to finish, finish!!

  4. I am not doing anything for Christmas this year. Just got back from a 2 week family visit to England and Poland and will be babysitting little girls all next week. Now to get caught up with b log reading and posting. Merry Christmas to all.

  5. I finally finished my C'mas gift sewing. I made a last minute stocking for my DIL and completed the tiny dolls for my friends Grandies.
    Have a happy Christmas Angie xx

  6. I abandoned the rat-race Christmas back when I was in grad school (grading and final papers was all the rat race I could handle). This year I did make two presents, though (one is in the recent blog post) and they are in the mail.

    I've done some ripping in my day--I find I have to have the block diagram beside me for some patterns. And even then I can pick it up and sew the wrong sides together. Luckily not too often.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...