Some of This, Some of That - Invisible Thread Report

Used 1/4 yard to make binding for baby quilt. Yes, I finished the FMQ.  New YTD total is 96.32 yards  de-stashed.  Now to bind it - lol.

Finished my Hexie medallion.  I've been using invisible thread to put these hexies together.  When I first started doing EPP, all the tutorials suggested one use thread closest to the fabric of the shape. But what about when one is putting two disparate colored hexies together? And I just don't have that many different shades of thread.   I didn't like how the thread stood out on those.  I use invisible thread for machine applique. So why not for hand sewing? So I got out my spool of thread and a needle, some hexies and began.  It wasn't the easiest thing to do at first until I discovered some steps:

1. Use Superior Invisible thread - it supple, soft and strong.  The light version will work will fabrics of light and medium values; the smoke with the dark values.

2.  Use a good lamp to backlight your work.  That means it's in front of you not over a shoulder.
The backlighting makes the thread pop into view.

3. Invisible thread tends to curl from how it is wound. Be sure to thread it onto your needle as it came off the spool. You'll have less knots form and can control it better.  Hold the thread and needle up to the light so it is backlighted - a piece of cake to thread that needle. Also a 12 - 16" length of thread to lessen snags formed.

4.  Since the invisible thread is an extra fine polyester monofilament, do 5 turns around the needle to make a knot big enough to not go through the fabric.

5.  Once you've started your stitching on a hexagon pair:
  • make your stitches 1/16th apart. 
  • use your fingers on your left hand to control the thread.  (of vice-versa if you're a lefty)
  • once the needle has gone through, pull the thread away from you laying it over your index finger. (I'm using black thread here so you can see it better)
  • Give a tug for a tight stitch. Bring your third finger up and over the thread to have it snug on your index finger
  • This will keep the thread behind your work and less likely to snag. Also with the invisible thread lying snug on your finger you'll be able to see (or feel) where the next stitch starts. As you see in the photo the needle is just to the right of the black thread.
Here's my medallion with the border round done. It now measures 15.75" high and 14" wide.
I'm linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching.  How about you?  Leave me a comment and I'll come see what you're up to.  Remember sewing even for 15 minutes will calm your day.


  1. Wow.....this is really growing fast. Still loving all the fabrics.

  2. Thanks for the tutorial. I have collected stuff to start doing some EPP and have a lot of monofiliment thread from when I thought I would do some machine applique. I did not like it for that, but will definitely try it for EPP.

  3. Beautiful hexies. Thread is completely invisible!

  4. You are making great progress!
    Wonderful tips!

  5. hmmm I have a long uncomfortable relationship with invisible thread and wouldn't even think of hand work... good for you, nice review for us. LeeAnna

  6. I have some of the invisible thread, but as you say, it curls. I've actually not tried to use it wondering if my knot will stay? I was actually planning on using it to sew yo-yo's together instead of my hexagons.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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