Applique Tuesday Week 24

or The Madness of Deconstruction - that's what today was. I was working on a VA quilt. I'd made this block. It was easy, came out great. Started on the second one. What a mess cutting one piece wrong can make.
As you can see the corner square was 1/2" too small. It should have been 6 1/2" square. It was 6 by 6 1/2.  So I added fabric to the short side and resewed the corners. Sewd the two squares together and realized that in making the units with the wrong squares I misaligned the points - hence the big space between the star points. Ugh! 
So I took off each unit and was going to fix the points,  but I only had enough to fix the one side of two - no more of that fabric available.  Did that and then realized it didn't help on one side because the points didn't come close to alignment. They were off by 3/4" horizontally!  It looked like I just starting piecing. Turned out the setting triangle was too big. So ripped out that unit again. Took apart the seams around one side of the large triangle. I then basted it with the unit by setting the seam allowance of the star unit 1/4"lower to the edge of the triangle. When I checked,  that seemed to work. So took out the basting, cut off 1/4" from the one side of the triangle and resewed the seam.
Looks much better although the colors are wrong in this photo.  The top colors are correct in the middle photo.  Those two unfixed bottom corners won't be so bad as they don't get connected to another block - they'll just look a little wonky. What a way to spend the day!

In the middle of this chaos, I dropped everything and sat down and did a little hand stitching to save my sanity. My elephants now have eyes - my applique for this day.
What are you up to?  Leave me a comment and I'll come by and see your goodness - quilty or not.


  1. It is sooooo frustrating when patches don't come together the way intended! They are great blocks so I'm glad that you fixed the problem.

    The elephant is adorable!

  2. Frustrating! It is always challenging to me when I make a mistake. (psst.....sometimes I just leave it......)

    I love your elephant.

  3. Love the elephant eye perfect circle. Saved you from pulling out your hair.

  4. We all have days like this they are so frustrating, more so as we think we have nearly finished the project then bang we see the fault LOL. Thanks for sharing how you managed to correct it. Glad you managed to finish on a good note with your elephant though. Cheers Glenda

  5. It's so frustrating when you have those kind of days. Sounds like you salvaged most of it.

  6. your perseverance certainly paid off, good for you

  7. That must have been an annoying time - but well done for sticking with it and making it all OK in the end!
    Love the elephant eye!

  8. Thanks for sharing your never know when that will help another quilter! I wonder how long we have to quilt before it turns out perfect every time? It hasn't happened for me yet, so I'm still waiting!

  9. Ugh, that is a pain, isn't it? Your solution seems great to me, you creative stitcher, you! That elephant eye stitching looks great - no flat spots!

  10. It's these challenges that we learn from. I know we never want to hear that, I know I don't :( but it will make you a better quilter next time. I know my life would be much easier if I just took my own advice, which I frequently don't!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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