WIPs Be Gone Week 12

Week 12?!  Where is the time going?  I've realized that I'm getting confused at to which WIP is what number. So I'm going to construct a list so that I don't forget to work on one that I've said I would be working on.  If a WIP is done, you'll find it posted under the WIPs Be Gone tab.

1. Just take 2 BOM blocks and  Guild 2014 BOM blocks  - both combined to make "Two BOMs in One." DONE!

2.  Happy Scrappy Orphan Block Quilt Along.  DONE!

3.  Hexie Flower Quilt - long term project - happy to get a flower done now and then.

4.  Crane Block Pillow:  DONE!

5.  Jubilee Album Blocks - machine appliqued one; needle turned another - two more to go.

6.  Old Mother Dear Jane Hubbard wall hanging - still mulling over how to make the border.

7.  Hah!  there is no 7,

7. so the Bird of Paradise is here instead of being #8.

Glad I got that straightened out -LOL.

Progress this week?  All I can count is trying to figure out what to do about the Dear Jane blocks, and got nowhere. I did finish two charity quilts and designed another one for the Guild. Some progress there, but not on a WIP - darn.  I'll try to do better next week.

How are you doing on your wips?Would love to see - doesn't have to be a finish, but we'll admire those, too.  Linky below - remember it doesn't have to be a new post, just one that shows a WIP.  Ends Monday, midnight.  Since I finished one item,  I'm linking to Richard's Link a Finish and Sarah's Can I get a Whoop, Whoop?  Lots of eye candy there. 


  1. I too am such a list maker...enjoyed reading yours and like your "WIP be gone"!

  2. I shared a post of older quilts a couple days ago so linking to that one, I am visiting grandchildren this week and have accomplished little in the line of sewing!

  3. I almost forgot to add my lonely block....grin. Forgot I had prepared the post already. Senior Moments are getting too frequent....giggle.

  4. PS I added your WIP begone button to my linky page and will be back often. Thanks for the motivation to get some WIP done!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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