Hexie Weekend and I need

your advise! I've been rearranging my sewing room as I bought a new machine (but that is for another post). In going through boxes I found this:
I had bought the top a few years ago at a quilt show near Carlsbad and forgotten about it.  It's totally done by hand:
Whoever made this made a truly scrappy top and some creative piecing.

 She even used the fabric where it was joined at the mill.
My question is this - do you think this can (or should) be saved.  The white muslin is fraying at seams. Click to enlarge the fourth picture and you'll see what I mean. Someone (not me!) must have washed it in trying to clean it and made the seams fray even more. I'm considering making the missing flower, replacing the few printed fabrics that are shredding with some 40s-50s fabric I have, laying the top on a piece of white fabric and then sandwiching to thin batting and a back.   Then again, I might just salvage the flowers and set them on white Kona and remake the top.  Help!

What are you working on?  Linky below.  Would love to see your eye candy.

I"m linking to Sarah's Can I get a Whoop, Whoop and Richard's Link A Finish Friday. See you there.


  1. I wouldn't put much work into it. She obviously didn't have good fabric to make it beautiful, and you know the old saying "good money after bad". You can put lots into it, and still not have a beauty. I'd do as little as necessary to finish it. There may be some vibes about it that make you want to keep it... or give it so some Hospice, or Habitate for Humanity charity. I'd dab some Fray Check on the muslin seams where they are dangerously close to fraying into the front.

  2. If I were going to finish it, I would take away the part that ends in the big gap -- it will be hard to duplicate the little diamonds -- slap on some borders, back it, give it a quick quilt, and hang it over the back of the porch swing to enjoy the color!
    Just what you needed no doubt, another "to-do"!

  3. I can't link this week. No way to make posts with pictures right now. =P Hoping to hear about my computer soon.

    As for the top, I disagree with doing something quick. I don't know how old the piece is, but it is definitely part of the quilting history where people used what they had to try to make something beautiful and warm for family.

    I don't know that you can stabilize the muslin well enough, but taking the big flowers out and putting them on Kona would definitely preserve her work, which I find frankly beautiful. It speaks to my heart, as I'm sure it must have to yours, since you bought it originally.

    It seems a shame not to use all the diamonds, too, of course, but you do have 13 full flowers to make something wonderful. You might also consult a quilt historian before doing anything at all. I imagine the quilt top isn't worth a great deal monetarily, but historically, I think it's valuable.

  4. Hi Angie when I look at all those small hexagons made up out of several pieces of fabric not just cut from one piece my heart goes out to that unknown quilter who wanted to make this quilt so much she went to these lengths to complete it. I have brought unfinished old quilts from around the 1930 and as I finish or repair them I think about the other quilter who sat for hours making it and that I'm finishing it for her and her time and love is not going to be tossed to the dogs to chew. Tim at www.timquilts.com spends nearly every day restoring old quilts so if you did not want to spend the time on it you could give it to him and one day it would be resorted for future generations to admire. Many quilters who have brought quilts then were over whelmed by the work to fix it. They have sent their quilts to Tim as a gift. I drop in to Tim's blog every morning as he is so generous with how he restore the quilts and shows you with lots and lots of photos. Check out Tim's blog and may be you may see your answer there. Thanks for sharing such a darling old quilt. Cheers Glenda

  5. I don't know what I'd do with it, but I enjoyed seeing it. Rules of thumb:
    1. If a quilt has historical value, do nothing. Its date becomes the date of the latest addition.
    2. If it doesn't have historical value, quilt it, or use good parts of it to make something else--something to keep it visible and enjoyed.

    I have heard of people putting the best parts under glass, either a frame or a coffee table.

  6. I have no idea what to do with it. I have never restored an old quilt so I don't know what is involved.

  7. I forgot to add my link last Wednesday so I will now seeing as it is open!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...