Oh, the Learning Curve in attempting LE!

or the latest good/bad of quilting.  I made my compass - you saw it on a past post.  Next step was to attach a circle with the 5/16ths dots on it.  I cut my background square, drew the circle and position of the dots, tried some of the dots - worked okay - I was surprised with the needle turning.  Here is my saving piece of equipment that made it possible to answer the question:  How do you applique such a tiny dot?
Yes! - A magnifier.  I remembered I'd gotten this from my neighbor.  You put the strap around your neck and balance it on midriff.  Makes what you're working on 2 times bigger than it actually is.  I don't know the power, but it did the trick and did 8 dots as a start. HOWEVER, once I tried to reverse applique the  circle to the compass - the compass was too big!  And I couldn't tell around the edge if I was sewing it with the right seam allowance.  Arrgh.  Plus the dots wouldn't line up right.  Ready to throw in the towel, I took out the reverse applique (only a bit over a 1/4th of it done before I saw the pending disaster), and drew with my drawing compass an exact 8" circle on freezer paper for the unfinished compass. Then I found the exact center of my compass, and ironed the FP to the Compass. I then cut off the excess fabric from the side where I had very generous 1/4" from point tip to edge.  Then what?!  After some pulling out hair and gnawing of cheek, I decided to just pretend it was 4 joined drunkard's path blocks and sew the seam with my machine. Sort of success -
I forgot to mark the 4 quarters of the circle and at the last one had a little fullness to contend with. Ay de mí!  By taking out a bit of the first quarter circle seam, finishing the seam and then ironing and starching the circle - I got to the above. But now it looks too flat to me!!  It's going to be a longgggggggg 18 months - but I'm learning new things.  That's my good/bad of quilting for this week.  I'm linking to Block Lotto to  commiserate with other quilters.


  1. Hello :) I am not sure I am understanding you correctly, so if I misunderstood, I am sorry. The instructions that I saw said that the FINISHED size of the compass should be 7.5 inches and the FINISHED size of the compass plus ring should be 8.5 inches. Is that what yours came out as? Just trying to help.

    1. BTW, I love your colors :)

    2. You are right, Linda. The unfinished size is 8", and my unfinished was 8 and 1/4. I must have done too many scant 1/4" as I assembled the compass - mind you it was my first. The one in the photo is now 7 1/2"

  2. It has been amazing to read all the discussion about those tiny little circles and read how many different ways they are being made. Esther's quilt is on my list and I hope to get started soon. In the meantime, I love seeing all the compasses that have been made so far.

  3. ... and thanks for joining the weekend update linky party on The Block Lotto.

  4. You are doing an excellent job Angie. You are definitely braver than me.

  5. Hello. I just joined the group and will be doing this compass soon. Oh my.

  6. What a struggle! The result though is beautiful! I think the applique that is coming, is not that hard to do. Lots of courage! Auckje (The Netherlands)

    1. Auckje - hope you see this as you are a no-reply blogger. You're right the upcoming applique shouldn't be as hard, but I don't know about all those circles. Thanks for stopping by.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...