Stash Report 12/09/12

First off, do visit Applique Thursday Giveaway for a chance to win a nice book.  Next here is my antidote for grey and gloomy days.
here's my view from my kitchen window - the cosmos in full bloom.  And yes the ground is higher than my kitchen floor.

I pulled 2 yards from my stash and started on a quilt for Alan's infant class - they need a couple to wrap kids up in during the afternoon and what they have is pretty shoddy. That's it for stash busting for me.
Here are my numbers:
Used/Donated last week: 2.0 yards
Used/Donated YTD:    179.82 yards
Added/Bought last weeks: 0.0 yards
Added/Bought YTD:   38.79 yards
Net Decrease YTD:  141.03 yards
How's your stash? I'm linking over at Judy's Patchwork Times.


  1. Wow that is a super stash report!!

  2. You showed great restraint in not purchasing a bunch of fabric. I am going to try to not buy as much next year. All babies need to be wrapped in a sweet quilt.

  3. Love your sunshine view. Mother Nature gave you a treat. Wonderful use of your stash.

  4. Gee whillikers, that's a great stash report. Good for you!
    LOVE the view out your window. Gorgeous.

  5. Great stash busting this year!

    1. You give me something to aspire to !! I'm going to be more diligent next year. I quit keeping track a few months in. The restraint part could use some improvement too.

  6. What a gorgeous view from your kitchen! I would love that. :)


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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