Favorite Things Friday

The calendar says Winter, but really Spring has snuck in around here. And it's showing:
Freesias all abloom.

Here come the geraniums!

A volunteer sweet pea plus a kalenchoe.

Do you get a picture of the colors I like?
This bougenvillea is spectacular in its response to lack of rain!  Found these when I went out for a walk to stop feeling sorry for myself and ignore my malaise.  Weatherman says it will be cold next week.  We have to enjoy while we can.

I'm linking to Shay's Favorite Things Friday party - always nice things to look at there.  Go on by - button on sidebar.


  1. I LOVE your freesias. And I have geraniums too...although mine dont look as pretty as yours because mine are thoroughly neglected.

    It’s always a thrill when the first signs of Spring arrive.

  2. sweet peas and geraniums - two of my favourites!

  3. Oh, your photos are making me even more anxious for spring/summer! Gorgeous blooms.

  4. That;s the one thing I miss living here. Spring flowers. I love freesias and sweet peas, but they don't grow in this climate. However bougainvillaea does, it goes crazy, although not so much at the moment as we have had far too much rain.

  5. Love all your beautiful blooms.Sweet peas would have to be among my favourites...always remind me of my Mums garden when I was a child. Thanks for sharing your great favourite.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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