WIP Wednesday 11/23/11 and another possible winner

Hello!  Didn't hear from astitch about the giveaway, so after 5 days I've picked another winner:  Marilyn in Queensland, AU.  Send me your snail mail addy and I'll send off your book.

I'm posting my WIP Wednesday a little early as I have to leave bright and early tomorrow morning to pick up Frank in Duarte.  He's spending a couple of days with us and then going home with the parents on Friday when we all meet at my DD's house for Thanksgiving Dinner - we're celebrating on Friday as that was the first day we could all manage to get together.  No matter - we just spread out the thanksgiving!

Here is my shop hop block I've finally got back to.  You can't see it, but I have machine appliqued around the bird silhouette with a straight stitch.  I'm not happy with the feet.  They got a little fatter as the fabric frayed a bit.  What is the secret to doing raw edge machine applique and not getting those frays?  Would really like to know.  I haven't done the yellow part yet as I don't have any thread that comes close to being a good match for it.  Will have to make a trip to the LQS or Jo-Ann's and see what I can buy to get this block in the done pile.

What are you working on?  Go on over to my sidebar and click on Esther's WIP button to see what some are doing and try too the Fabric Tuesday button by Quilt Story.  It's always fun to see what others are doing.


  1. Congratulations............again...hee hee.

  2. Very effective background fabric - it sets off the yeallow and black of the bird beautifully.

  3. I am so thrilled to be winner no 2. It looks an amazing book and I am keen to pick a project to make.
    I emailed you this morning,but the email was rejected by the server (not sure if that is yours or mine.) So I have just resent the email to see if it works this time.
    It looks like it has gone this time, but can you please confirm when you get a chance.
    Thanks heaps.
    Take care xx

  4. Your thumbnail really caught my eye on quilt story. What a pretty block! I have no idea how to avoid those frays:)

  5. Love the fabrics. I'll be watching to see if anyone provides the magic answer on the fraying edges, I'd love to know as well. Your block looks fabulous!!

  6. try the fray check ... haven't tried it myself as i handstitch little pieces.

  7. As you said this is a shop hop square. It looks like West. WA. Shop hop and Ruby street bird. You must have adjusted their square and actually made it much nicer. I'd love to see the rest of the quilt. How far are you?
    Your bird got pinned. That's how I found you.

  8. So is that the next project? I do like the block a lot, but I have no answer to your raw edge applique question, sorry!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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