Design Wall Monday 8/8/11

I have a chatelaine on my design wall.  I bought this when I belonged to a local quilt group.  It is out a town group and meets in the morning.  A big group - had 250 members when I belonged - a little too big for me.  Plus it was a drive - not by California standards - driving an hour to LA is nothing around here or 1 1/2  or 2 hours to San Diego - that's just the way it is in car oriented CA. 

Back to the chatelaine - I really wondered about the meaning of this.  I thought it meant a thingy you hang your keys from your waist.  Here's a definition I found on

A popular modern sewing gadget also has the name chatelaine. It is a miniature pin cushion attached by a fabric tape measure to a small, often ornate, pair of sewing scissors. Sometimes the pin cushion is personalized in counted cross stitch or needlepoint. The idea is for the chatelaine to hang around the seamstress' neck so that she never needs to hunt for her needles or scissors. Read more: Definition of Chatelaine

Our use of it was to have it function as our name badge and a place to hang our pins.  I've never been able to make it be for hanging my scissors - I keep poking myself, LOL. 

So what I've done is taken out the 3"square that had that old guild's logo and I'm going to substitute my new quilt guild's logo in it's place.  Now to figure this out.  Help me, Rhonda!!

Go on over to Judy's Patchwork Times on my left sidebar and see if she has posted about Design Wall Monday.  She is expecting the movers at 8am tomorrow, so may not be there.  But knowing Judy, she's probably scheduled a post and it quite possibly will be there.  Then you can see what all the design walls have on them.


  1. I like what you have decided to do. I don't like pinning my name badge at guild, so I attached gross grain ribbon to mine, not nearly so nice as yours.

  2. Thanks, Gail - I didn't make it, although our membership chair of this new group came up with a pattern whereby I could make another, but decided to redo this one hopefully without deconstructing it altogether to do so - LOL. We'll see.

  3. Why is it when I see such wide widths on things that go around the neck I think they should be filled with something to either heat up or cool down the wearer? LOL.

    My mind is gone I think today. Never thought to do a chatelaine though. I have had my scissors around my neck before but the store bought ones are never long enough and I end up strangling myself trying to use my scissors. Must rethink on how to use it.


  4. I like yours. I use the one that detracts for my pelican scissors when doing hand work but the pull on it is too strong and it could be longer as well. I like yours. KT, KT THE QUILTING LADY

  5. Good luck on finding a way to switch out the emblems! It is a pretty chatelaine.


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  Back to quilting.  After my mishap, it was slow going to return to working in the sewing room. Since I could only piece, I began two more ...