Design Wall Monday 2/28/11

Made a few more siggie blocks, and now that I've gotten done with Schedule C - Yaaaay! - may get back to the quilt-along too. So here's what my wall looks like:
They're not sewn together yet.  I have 6 more sets of 4s to sew together. I get 6 units out of each set.

What's on your design wall?  Go on over the Judy's and see what others are up to.  Thanks, Judy for giving us the incentive to keep on working.


  1. Siggies looking good, multiplying slowly but still growing in number :)

    Great that Sched C is outta the way! DD #2 is filling out her FAFSA so we had to pay our taxes early so she could have the info before Mar 1. Of course, she didn't tell us that until YESTERDAY, LOL.

  2. Just had one block on mine.

    Like you siggies.

  3. Looking good! Congrats on the big schedule C accomplishment. lol Still have that bridge to cross here...

  4. Taxes? Not on the radar yet (but it should be!) Congratulations on getting yours done. Love the blocks, great color choices.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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