My New Table Runner!

Our quilt guild had their Christmas Potluck Meeting - it was great.  The attendance was low, but then we were in the middle of all that rain, so we weren't surprised when only about 1/2 of the normal number (around 80) were there.  We always have that steal game.  So after our show and share (we always have that), we got a ticket and the game began.  And here is what I won: 

I love it!  The pointsettias are fusible applique and stitched with gold metallic thread.  Just right for the season.
The potluck was great also.  So much yummy food!  My favorite in the desserts was the sugar cookies someone brought in that were shaped like spools of thread.  So clever! and delicious.


  1. Your new table runner is magnificent. Congratulations.

    ps Sugar cookies are my favourite... yummy

  2. Nice runner and the cookies are so cute! I might have to try that sometime!

  3. So glad you had a great time, Love your table runner.

    And didn't it rain last year at the December meeting?

  4. My quilt guild had their monthly meeting last tuesday and I won it as part of the steal game we do every year.

  5. Wonderful runner! The cookies are great and I know you had a grand time. Merry Christmas!

  6. I wonder where they ever found such a cute cookie cutter? NEAT. Congrats on winning the table runner. It is nice to have them for each table for every occasion.. I guess I better get sewing. I have one for Christmas and one for Halloween.. lots to make :)


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