Hexagon Friday

Got another flower made for my part 5 Soupcon and some more prepped.  Thought I'd have a lot of sit down time, but I didn't.  So the only one I got made was one at the Opthamologist office while I waited for my mother. That took 2 hours, but the time flew as I was doing hexies.  I've decided to change threads when I sew different parts and I like the finish better. Takes a little more time, but worth it.

I stumbled on a blog post about using a hexagon punch to make the templates out of insert cards in magazines.  I checked Jo-Ann's and Michaels and they both have it - just not willing to pay the price they want for them.  So I went to Geta Gama's blog and found templates for my next hexie project.

I looked through a couple of magazines and pulled out those insert cards - they're just the right thickness for hexagon pieces.  I printed a page from Geta's free pages and cut out a template and then used it to cut one from thin teflon.  I  got five hexagon pieces from one card!  I love recycling.  Now whenever I go through a magazine I'll be saving those cards to make more hexies.  Maybe when that punch is 50% off and I have a 15-20% off total purchase coupon, I'll buy one. 

What have you been up to? Would love to see your eye candy - hexie or otherwise, new, old or in dreaming stage. Linky below.  Ends Monday, midnight.
I'm linking to Richard's Link A Finish Friday and TGIFF. Have a look.


  1. Looks like you did a lot to me. Still lovin' those fabrics.

  2. thanks for the link and infor on the cutter-I bought a bag of precuts to get me started but thats pretty expensive too

  3. Sometimes the coupons are restricted and doesn't work for the cutters :(

  4. Your hexies are coming along! Sew beautiful!

  5. Terrific fabric/color choices!

  6. I didn't know about the punches. I see that Amazon has the large, which is 3/4" sides, for $13.62. That's the size I use. On the other hand, I bought 1500 of them from Paper Pieces years ago, and haven't used very many to the point of throwing them away, so I think I won't do that, either. =) 750 are still $19.00, and you can reuse them a LOT of times.

  7. Wow that blue and gold looks fabulous on the grey. What a great use for those magazine inserts, they always bug me, but now I'll look at them just a little differently. Great way to recycle.

  8. What a great idea to use those pull-out cards for hexies. I really love those colors and fabrics you're using!

  9. Nice! What a great idea to use those cards for the paper pieces/templates.

  10. Thanks for the tip about Geta templates. I use to cut all generic cardbord for my hexies. Your flowers looks beautiful in blue and gold. I'm happy for linking this weekend.

  11. hexi's are my go to travel companion too! They make every appointment wait worthwhile and ever long trip enjoyable!!! Yours are adorable. I too am going to check out that template idea...thanks!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Flimsy Coming Soon

Three days of playing with scraps and yardage. Just need 2 borders to make this a finished baby quilt flimsy. Blessings,