Quilting Book Giveaway

To begin this season of giving and celebrating the Birth of our Lord, I'm giving away a wonderful book (I'm keeping my own copy) for all levels of quilters.  It's Harriet Hargrave's Heirloom Machine Quilting - A Comprehensive Guide to Hand-Quilted Effects Using Your Sewing Machine.  This is the Revised and Expanded Third Edition.  Beside Diane Gaudynski, Harriet has been invaluable help in getting my quilt tops done.  Mind you, I haven't gotten as fancy as these two Queens of Sewing Machine quilting, but I have begun to finish some on my own.

Follow me on this blog and leave me a comment and I'll give you 2 entries in this giveaway.  This ends Sunday, Dec 5th -plenty of time for it to get to you before Christmas if you want to give it as a gift or be a gift for you! Includes some quilting patterns for your use in your quilts!


  1. Alrighty Angie, I'll go first. What a great book to win! I have many tops that need some quilting.

    Thanks and you know I love giveaways.


  2. Oh my goodness, Angie! I would love a chance at winning this book! So generous of you, as usual. Please count me in!

  3. Oh that looks like a wonderful book. I would love an opportunity to win. Please include me!

  4. Thank you for doing these givaways. I follow your blog as well.

  5. I'm a follower! Have been for a while in google reader, but just clicked the official follow button.

    Thanks for this chance.


  6. Hi Angie,
    I am now a follower! I would love to have a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance to win.

  7. I follow your blog and enjoy reading your posts. It's so nice of you to offer giveaways. It's fun to read all the comments folks leave. Thanks for all your effort.
    Denise in AK

  8. I follow google Kendra22--this would make a great gift for someone I know that quilts, thanks for the chance

  9. I would like this.


  10. Thank you for the offer. Enjoy your blog very much. Would love a grand gift of a book like this to share with my friends. Happy holidays.

  11. You sure got my attention. Love Harriet Hargraves! thanks so much for the giveaway..am now on your following list

  12. Wow...what a great book. I'm in a rut right now using the same patterns over and over...this book might be the inspiration I need! Thank you for offering the giveaway!
    Vanessa in Oklahoma

  13. Hi Angie, I would love a chance to win this beautiful book. I am part way through making a quilt of our year trip around the USA, it will need quilting very shortly. Thanks again, I am following your blog now too. Linda.

  14. Angie, what a wonderful thing you are doing by passing this book on to someone else. I took a class from Harriet, she make it look so easy. This would be a wonderful learning book to have. May your holidays be joyous.
    Deb in North Dakota

  15. I still am "shy" about machine quilting. This would be a wonderful way to get going. Happy Holidays
    Wanda in IL

  16. Thanks for the contest. It is a great book.

  17. Angie, how very generous of you to give away this book. It was 27 degrees here last night which reminded me that I really need to get the tops I've made quilted so we can use them. I would love to have this book to help it happen! That said, may whoever get it enjoy it and may everyone have a wonderful holiday season.
    Kathy in N Fl

  18. I am a follower! This book looks awesome, would love to win it. Thanks!

  19. Just found your blog and I love it. I am now a follower. I would love the book as I am a hand quilter and I am thinking about trying some maching quilting. I haven't because I love the look of handquilting so much better. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  20. Just signed up for your blog. I see your messages on Cyberquilters. I have plenty of tops in need of quilting. Would love to have the book.

  21. I love the idea of quilting on a machine. I have yet to try that.

  22. I am a follower. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  23. I would love it if Harriet Hargrave would come over my house to teach me how to machine quilt, but this lovely book sounds like the next best thing. Thanks you for such a thoughtful giveaway.

  24. I'm a follower and a fellow Cyber Quilters member.

  25. I am a follower and also a fellow Cyber Quilter,and Quilts on Review member.I would love the book too. Thank your giveaway.
    Happy Quilting

  26. Hi ~ I am a new follower! ~~Lisa

  27. This book could be the solution to my hesitancy to just go for it...I usually just do straight line quilting and can really use this information. Thanks for the chance. ~~Lisa

  28. Would love to win this book. Maybe I can learn machine the Harriet way. I too belong to Cyberquilters.

    Happy Seasons greeting to all
    Cathy K

  29. Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful book!

  30. Following on gfc. I would love to get some of my quilts done.

  31. Hi, I am trying to work up the nerve to quilt my wall hanging, but, I am afraid I will ruin it. Maybe with the help of HH's book, I could finish.
    Thanks, Helen

  32. I'm a new follower! And I would so dearly love to win! :-) I love to sew and I've been wanting to learn to quilt for awhile now!

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! By the way I really love your blog! :-)

    openmyeyeslord89 at gmail dot com

  33. I have tried machine quilting on a couple of pieces and was not happy with the results. This book might help me do a better job. I'd love to win.

    I follow you on Google Friend Connect. (Debbie C)


  34. I am a new follower and would love this book as I am very interested in getting started quilting! Merry Christmas!

  35. Just learning about quilting. Been wanting to do it for years. Thanks for a great giveaway. Happy holidays to all.

  36. For my friend Carole!


  37. I'd love to win this, i'm a beginner.
    Now following GFC.

  38. This book would be useful in my library of quilting magazines! I have been quilting for many years but never many completed!


  39. I am a Follower also!


  40. following via gfc. my mother loves quilting. my email is jozi(at)rogers(dot)com


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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