All Comes to A Halt

 Sighhhh....  While I was quilting I  ran my finger, somehow, under the needle. Went right through my left index fingernail right through to the other side. I yelled and jerked my hand back and broke the needle.  It didn't break the bone. Just came out at an angle on the other side. Blood! 

After I cleaned up and doctored it, I left the sewing room for three days.  Thought I'd do some piecing. Well, the tension was shot to hell, so no sewing.  That was my Juki TL2010Q.  My Bernina Activa 130  also had a tension problem. So on I went to my Janome Harmony - my take to classes machine. Well, it runs fine but I don't have a FMQ foot for it, so that leaves me with piecing to do.

Here's as far as I got on the SAHRR:

The shop said it would two weeks until they are back. Guess I'll do a lot of piecing until then. 

I'm linking to Wait Loss at Jennifer's Inquiring Quilter. Come by and see the great links other quilters have posted.


  1. Oh no!! I'm so sorry that happened!! When I was in 7th grade Home Ec, a girl named Betty did that. We were all pretty horrified. Hope it feels better soon!! Anne

  2. Oh no. Hoping you heal soon. That happened to me once. 'Had to remove the needle from the sewing machine then from my finger.

  3. Oh my! I've nicked my finger more than once but never all the way through. I'm so sorry for you and your machine. Not a great thing to happen ever. I hope you are both well soon. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. I'm thankful you didn't hit the bone in your finger! I'm glad you can piece blocks though, happy stitching!

  5. Angie, that's happened to me, too, several years ago. I had to go to the ER as the broken needle wouldn't pull out. It was a small town ER and they said to go to the city ER, but the city said they couldn't help me until late afternoon, after their surgeries were finished. I had to wait 18 hours and was really zoned out! It ended up okay, as it sounds like your finger is okay now. Good thing you have a sewing machine in the wings to piece with! I've used those cute kitties in projects, too! They're so adorable!!!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...