November Table Scrap Challenge

 This month I made a scrappy Trip Around the World, but before I get to that I'd like to show you my dear daughter, Emily's minis with a dark backgrounds:

The one on the left measures 3 & 1/4" with the block in the center measuring 2& 1/4".  The other to the right measures 3 & 1/4 " square. I call those minis.

Now my scrappy entry is a baby quilt. It's that scrappy and colorful.

I made the binding scrappy also.

The back was a flannel on which I did a rectangular quilt pattern with my walking foot.

What have you been up to?  Leave me a message and I'll visit yours. I hope you had a happy thanksgiving.  Blessings as we begin Advent - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!

I'm posting on A Joyful Quilter and Oh, Scrap.  See you there.


  1. Your daughter's minis are cute as can be, and they are definitely tiny, too! I love your Scrappy Trip baby quilt, too. So happy and colorful!

  2. The minis are gorgeous - I do love a dark background. Your baby quilt is delightful, lots of happy colours. xx

  3. I would call those mini minis. Love work. Nice work on the baby quilt. Lots of Ispy and counting happening there for a little one.

  4. Emily's mini quilts are awesome and so is your Trip quilt!! Thanks for joining the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge this month!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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