July in Review

Most of the month was spent in vacation mode, but I did accomplish a bit of sewing:
First, taking Alan to Dinosaur Camp
here's a metal brontasaurus
and then to swim lessons
He's the one left of the instructor.
Followed by a short trip to Vancouver, WA to visit my older son and family.
Visited Multnomah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge.
So in between these activities I put together a 2000 UFO Christmas top  along with the table runner (which I showed in a previous post) for Christmas in July.  I was suppose to do UFO #11 as per my list for Judy's UFO challenge, however I decided to this one instead - long buried.
This had been for the longest time in three sections. When I laid them out on my design floor I realized it was too long and too narrow.  So I took them apart and changed it so it would fit a twin bed. The pattern is called Stardust Quilt by Gail Abeloe of Back Porch Press.  It's suppose to be a fat quarter easy quilt. The Guild did a Christmas fabric swap of 6" squares to give us the variety of material needed to make it.  It's much brighter in person.  I hope to have it quilted by this coming December.  So that was my UFO project for the month.

As to a new project, I did start a new baby quilt
It's only 21 1/2" at this point.  I'll need to add 15" more.

What have you done during July?  Head on over to Meredithe's 6 and 6 in 2018 to see what others were doing.


  1. Lovely to see some of your precious family Angie xx

  2. Sounds like July was great! It's great that you are working on your UFO's. I need to do that too. Instead of one UFO a month, I'll be lucky if I get one UFO finished a year! :) Still it would be a finish and my UFOs aren't as large as your's. Hmmm. Maybe new year resolution for next year.

  3. Good morning! That dinosaur camp looks like fun, and that pool water so very much inviting. Your Christmas quilt looks beautiful and how nice to have it out and receiving attention! Aren't you just thrilled with how it is turning out?! That will look so pretty and festive on a bed for the holidays. Happy Friday, friend! ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Summer isn't summer without camp and time at the pool! Glad to see you are getting some sewing in as well - sometimes it seems too hot to have anything like embroidery on my lap!!!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...