Some of This; Some of That.

Happy Monday of the Octave of Easter. The Resurrection is so profound the Church invites us to celebrate for 8 days starting with Easter Sunday to learn more about it.  On Easter Monday, Christians around the globe celebrate it as a day of rest.  For some countries, it is a public holiday.  We're eating leftovers today to cut down on work in the kitchen, reading, and taking it easy.

I did a bit of sewing during the past week - lot less than I usually do as I was observing Holy Week.  I did sew my 15 minutes per day on 4 days. The destashing grew a bit more. I can count those two blocks I made last Sunday. That amounted to .15 of a yard.  Then I made some flying geese, stars, bias stems for  my SLOL - another .29 of a yard.  Then decided to try the BOM for our guild - a simple disappearing 4 patch for another .62 of a yard.  Last were the bits for my Love entwined.  That was a mere .07 of a yard.  So my total came to a 1.06 yds. The new YTD total is 17.53 yds of the 26 yds I should have by now for 2018 to meet my goal.

With another month ending, here's my report on my UFO Challenge/ 6 in 6 in 2018 work.

For Judy's challenge I was to work on #8 - my Love Entwined project.
At the start of the month:
At the end of the month:

close-up of flowers
Yes, I got another vase done.  It took me quite a while and here's the reason why:
some teeny pieces in this one.
Now I have to do the embroidery. I plan to do the next vase soon.  I don't want to go years before I'm back to this one.

For the "6 in 6 for 2018", I worked on my new project: a Jen Kingwell Design Group pattern entitled  Meadow.   Made some HSTs for the center and three of the border appliques:


Progress has been made!  I'm linking to Sunday Stash, Design Wall Monday, Oh Scrap, BOMs Away, Moving it Forward, and Monday Making. Will be interesting to read about your March progress. Hope you get to quilt today.


  1. Hi Angie, yes, the greatest news of all time. He is risen.
    I love your applique quilt, you have made great progress and so close to being finished now. You have achieved lots in March. Well done.

  2. The entwined quilt is so stunning. I hope you keep working on it so we can envy from afar. :)

  3. Wow, Angie, you did a lot on Love Entwined! It is very time consuming with all the little pieces, and that's one reason I opted not to do it, but seeing yours makes me wonder if that was a mistake. =)

  4. Oh Angie your LE is so exquisite, so so happy for you that you finished your 3 vase arrangement, what a beautiful vase of flowers. This is far far to beautiful not to finish. Cheers Glenda

  5. Hey, WOW!!! That is a ton of progress on your LE - an entire corner in one month is far more than I would have accomplished. I'm charmed by your Meadow project - love the colors, and you have such fun blocks made already.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...