I Like Thursdays

In the last five days I have attended two funerals. Both sad occasions and joyful occasions. The first one for a 93 year old dear lady - my sister's mother-in-law. She had lived a full life and was called home. The other a 39 year old young man who still had so much to live for. He also was called home.  At both, music helped us heal. I like this hymn that was part of the liturgy at each Mass. 

At the reception for Polly, we gathered at her favorite restaurant, Lascardi's,  where they served this wonderful balsamic vinegar. I plan to buy some. It was slightly sweet yet acidic, full bodied.

At Tom's reception at his parents house the food was catered.  The caterers did a marvelous spread of lunch items. What was heartwarming was that all 75 + participants in the funeral services came and shared memories of Tom. It was a healing time. It brought me comfort and I know it did so also for his parents.

We are not of this world. Make the best of it and remember God loves us more than we can know.

Visit Lee Anna for more I Like Thursdays posts.


  1. Sorry to hear that you had so many funerals to attend. I went to a co-workers fathers funeral this weekend. He was a Vietnam War vet and it was sombering and yet good.

    I haven't made balsamic vinegar but like it. I was introduced to it on strawberries. Never thought that combo would work but it does!

  2. Good Morning,
    Music does seem to help us through many of lives adventures, both sad and happy ones. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of the young man. 39 is so young to be called home. It must be devastating for his parents, as you never expect to lose a child. I love it when there is a celebration of the person's life and stories are shared. That makes the whole sober day more uplifting, and you get to hear about a piece of the person that you didn't know about before. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I'm listening to the beautiful music right now. Thank you for sharing it, too. We have watched many people around us pass this year also, but all had lived long lives. Death is unpredictable, but yet very predictable. These past months I have been struggling with winter, and a bit dismal outlook, but truly feel a change has come inside and out. How differently we live when we fathom each thing we do may be our last time. Savor the common acts.

  4. I kind of feel like that grain of wheat that fell on hard ground with no chance of growing. I have much to offer but no soft place to be planted. I know you're a woman of faith, and I could use your prayers to be honest with you. I know things could change but when you're in the middle of hard baked ground hope is hard to find. I liked your post aside from my situation right now. I appreciate that you share your real life with us.

  5. My hubbys older brother passed away on Tuesday. Funeral tomorrow. It will be a sad day for the family. The first of his siblings to pass. But we know he is walking the streets of gold and is no longer in pain. Still, it makes the parting sad for all of us.

  6. What a beautiful and moving hymn. Thank you for sharing it!!

  7. So sorry for the passings of those two people. Yes, we should live our lives as if each day were our last. We never know. Blessings to you.

  8. A reminder to live each day as best we can.

    My father-in-law is 93 now, and still trucking along. He is also the epitome of a well-lived life.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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