Late Thursday Report

Today was such a busy day! I meant to post for "I Like Thursdays" yesterday but was too busy getting ready for today!

So while we have cold mornings, the days continue to get warm for we have low 70s in the afternoon. We're back to lovely blue skies and clouds in the distance.

And from the garden - a couple of weeks ago I sent some pomelos to a few of our out of state family.  DGS#3's mom sent me this great photo: The pomelo is a grandparent of the grapefruit.  They may look like grapefruits, but they aren't acidic - they're sweet and so tasty. While they look large - they have a large rind.  One has to work to get to the yummy fruit, but it's worth it. This year we had a bumper crop.  Last year, there were only about 9-12 of them.

Hope you get to quilt this weekend.  Stay warm and safe those of you back East.


  1. It's me again Billie. I've never heard of pomelos. They look delicious and what l handsome young grandson you have.

  2. What a lovely photo of a handsome young man Angie x

  3. I've not aware of pomelos but they sure do look intriguing~ Your grandson is adorable~ Have a wonderful week!

  4. Oh my goodness - I am very jealous of your Pomelo crop. They are, perhaps, my favorite fruit. I discovered them on a trip to China and now i search them out whenever I can!!

  5. The palm trees and cactus and sunny skies make me homesick and jealous. =)

  6. Are those cactus and other plants in your garden? Wow!
    and interesting to hear of Pomelos. I presume the tree looks like a normal citrus tree? Thanks for telling about them.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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