I Like Thursday

because I get to play with fabric.  My daughter gave me some plaids AND in search for another fabric I found a bag of stripes and plaids,  so I'll be able to move forward on Unit 2 of SLOL.
Outside and catercorner to our house is a magnificent floral display:
It's a bougainvillea.  It blooms like this when it gets lots of sun and little water - way earlier than normal for the year.  I'm enjoying it while I can - who knows what it will do this summer.

The colorful part of the plant are the leaves (called bracts) which surround the true minuscule flower - sort of like the poinsettia.  I save photos like these for our hot summers as a relief from the brown and gray that can overwhelm us.

I'm off to Lea Anna's I Like Thursday post. Go on by and see her Thursday delights and those of others.


  1. Yes! I like bouganvilla! I had it in my yard in Tampa. So glorious! And plaids, I have a stash of them waiting to finish my applique quilt started a long time ago! Welcome to the group!LeeAnna

  2. Good Morning,
    Welcome to the Thursday likes group! WOWEE - that bougainvillea is just gorgeous! I haven't seen any for years, when I used to live in CA. How wonderful to see that outside your window in February. I look forward to seeing where you are going with those pretty plaid fabrics. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Welcome to the party :) I love bougainvillea as well, growing up in FL we had them all over.

  4. Oh the colour of that beauty! Here it is ice and snow and fog and rain...it will be a while before I see blooms.
    Your plaids remind me of Yoko Saito. Love her work.
    Nice to meet you here on the web!

  5. Like your plaids. Bougainvillea is gorgeous.

  6. Your bougainvillea is amazing! I don't think I have seen one, though I hear of them being in the Mediterranean countries. We have a lot of Azaleas and Rhododendrons around here...they come about April.

  7. Angie, the Bougainvillea is gorgeous! We, also, have one that is blooming on the hillside next to our house!! Yes! Early due to the unusually warm dry Winter we are having. Hugs!

  8. Wow, what a beautiful flowering bush! They must grow in the south since I've never seen one before. I guess we all have a brown season, wherever we live, just at different times of the year! Welcome to I Like Thursday!

  9. Wonderful plaids! Makes me want to go play in mine! I like looking at bougainvillea, but I surely hate trimming it! One bazillion pokie things per square inch! =)


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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