Applique Tuesday

Remember that eagle I was going to work on?  Here's as far as I got:

Still have legs and talons, laurel wreath and arrows to add.  Now to decide on a background for him.

It's been a while since I actually had something to post on Applique Tuesday. There were the bits on three Sampler blocks, but this is all applique.

Have you appliqued lately?  Let me know and I'll come visit.

I'm linking to Connie's Linky Tuesday and Esther's WOW.  Go on by and see all the quilty goodies there.


  1. You look like you ahve done as much applqiue as I have Angie LOL Life some times gets in the way of our hobbies and art work. Cheers Glenda

  2. love your eagle! very pretty fabrics you have chosen

  3. Very stately looking. Glad you were able to work out the problems with the design. Happy stitching this week.

  4. Your eagle looks wonderful! I haven't done any applique in a bit.....need to get working on something soon.

  5. Your Eagle is looking fabulous!
    It will be fun to see what you choose for your background.

  6. Great job. Give the poor guy some feet....giggle.

  7. The only appliqué I've done all year is by machine, usually with the buttonhole stitch, but the other day, I experimented with a very small and long zigzag. It's okay, hardly shows in matching thread. It's a quilt that won't get washed much, so it'll do.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...