Hand Stitching Failure

Yes, it happens.  Some times we fail at what we set out to do.
 Someone donated this oh-so-cute fabric to St. Anne's.  Just love it.  And it is so soft!!  I took it home to fondle and put a crocheted edge to convert this piece of fleece to a baby blanket.  Well that was what I was going to do.  Actually, I learned it may be a micro-fleece.  It's not Minky - but it feels like it. Has no bumps. Can Minky not have bumps?  Any way, I cut the holes for the crocheted edge as usual after trimming the edges.  Got out my pink yarn and started - this was going to be my hand stitching project for today. Ugh, I had too large a hook.  It was making the holes big.  When I came to a corner the slit became a large hole to hold 3 stitches.  This wasn't working.  What could I do?  I tried using the holes to make blanket stitches - that didn't work either - it was too hard to keep the half inch turned edge from getting lumpy. Okay, I fell back to my machine finishing for fleece.  I turned over the edges and zig-zaged them.  That worked!
 Here is the front
 Here is the back
Ready to give to St. Anne's for a new Mom.  So much for hand stitching today.  Did you get some hand stitching done?  Visit Kathy for others who were successful with their stitching. Blessings!


  1. shame the holes did not work for the crochet but the machine stitching has worked well, such cute fabric

  2. Argh! The frustrations when Plan A doesn't work is such a waste of time. You recovered very nicely and found an acceptable solution. Kudos to you for not throwing it on the UFO pile. A crochet edge would have been so cute but still, now it is usable. And that's what counts, right? Congrats for finishing it. ;^)

  3. Oh, well. The best laid plans . . . but it turned out really cute just the same, and was much faster!

  4. Extreme stitching problem solving right there! You rock!

  5. What a terrific solution. The red zig-zag looks great!

  6. All's well that ends well. It's a beautiful baby blanket, and that was the original plan. =)


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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