WIPs Be Gone Still AWOL

but I do have a finish!  I mentioned in my Sunday post: "... couldn't stand it, had to start something new, so while in the scrap bag I took out some cut off triangles and made a teeny quilt ".  Here it is  - all 4" square of it:
I got my inspiration to make it from Amanda Jean and all her cute pincushions.  I didn't have any crushed walnuts to make one, so I made an itty-bitty quilt instead.  Here's the back:
I gave it to my friend, Sheila, today.  It's her birthday this Saturday.  Happy Birthday, Sheila.

That was fun and quick, too.  Kept me from starting another WIP.  But I am determined this week to get back to them.  Wonder what number Judy will pick on Tuesday?

I'll announce the winner of the hexagon templates, tomorrow.  Have plenty, so will give another 105 (that makes 15 flowers!) for this coming week although it's going to be a busy week as I'll have two grandkids over for the next 14 days.  Same rules. Link up and get one chance. Comment get another. Follow my blog and tell me so and get a third. Closes midnight, next Thursday. Here's what I've used some of mine for (a while ago - one of those WIPs - I refuse to call them UFOs - lol):



  1. what a very cute mini I find small like that far harder to do than a large block.

  2. I love it! So cute!

  3. Great that you always have a project going😌

  4. Nothing like something new to energize us... no matter how small!

  5. That is absolutely adorable. Was it hard to flip it inside out with the batting in there?

  6. I'm sure you made your friend's day with this sweet little gift. It's adorable. :D Nice work on the binding - it's *hard* to work with that on tiny quilts, isn't it??

  7. That is oh-SO-sweet!!! I made a tiny quilt this week, too. It felt good to have a fast finish without having a(nother) new WIP (to add to the THREE others that I've started recently!!)

  8. Sweet little gift - thank you for sharing!

  9. Good idea to have a fast finish - terrific that if became a gift for a friend! I enjoy reading your postings, they come in the email to me. The summer is not going in the sewing room direction for me so I have no progress (other than scanning docs and clearing out some things) to share... : )

  10. Very cute little quilt! You are very generous and sure make a lot of hexagons! I have been working on my Lucy Boston blocks. It is fun to sew the basted hexagons and squares together. K- lkw2x6-apq@yahoo.com

  11. Love the little quilt. I haven't been working on hexagons lately, but do have a project I hope to start soon.

  12. I seem to turn all my mini quilts and orphan blocks into potholders, mugrugs, placemats, doll quilts, etc. I don't know why I must make them useful and not just enjoy the beauty of them as mini quilts.

  13. Those flowers are darling--the leaves just "make" them! I'm glad to hear you're taking time away to be with your DGS, though. That means more than anything else.

  14. I follow you via email. (wordygirl at earthlink dot net)


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...