WIPs Be Gone on Saturday

The giveaway for the book, Art Glass Quilts will end this Thursday, midnight.  Go back to the last post and sign up to win.

My last yellow RSC block is done. Again a Pat Sloan pattern from her I Love to Make Quilts website.  The color Angela picked for this month is blue. However, I've done my blocks as the April color - multi-color - didn't work for my idea of the layout so I did them then.

I've been working on my isolette quilting - half done now.  So you won't think all I do is walking foot quilting here's the back of a sampler I made two years ago. 
I feel a lot of quilting flattens out baby quilts too much, so that's why I keep it minimal.  

I hope you get to sew or quilt this long weekend.  Blessings,


  1. every day I seem to come across more blocks I have never seen before, this one is one of those, must check out the site as love what you have done here

  2. Such vibrant fabric choices for your last YELLOW block for the RSC!! Bright quilts are my favorites. Looking forward to seeing what you do in lieu of BLUE for July!!

  3. Interesting positioning of colour in that block. I'd love to see a few laid out together.

  4. I only WFQ, too, and it makes me happy to do just that. Your RSC yellow is a really bright one! Are you going to try again for the idea you had in mind?

  5. I like your quilting. I too think too much quilting flattens out baby quilts. It works great on wall hangings and artsy stuff.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...