Making blocks

Well, a bit of progress - I made five blocks for the RSC 2017 challenge trying to feature aqua (except I have very little of it).

Only the basket one registers for me as aqua and the upper right comes close.  Maybe I'll do better with the March color.

I've started the last block of my current "17 UFOs in 2017" challenge project.  If I get it done tomorrow, I'll have all the blocks made for this going on seven years (this summer) old project. WIPs Be Gone!

Linking to Angela at So Scrappy.


  1. aqua block looks good I only made one a crazy one.Wondering what the colour for march will be eager to hear

  2. I think you did very well with aqua. We have to work with what we have and you did very good. ;^)

  3. I love your blocks! I didn't have any aqua, so I cheated. What feels like cheating. I went to my local quilt shop and bought some reduced fabric squares. Maybe it's not cheating since they were on the clearance rack! :-) Your blocks are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing. :-)

  4. Seven years on a project must be a record of perseverance. Good for you! I like the one color with white blocks, and all the tones blend together very well. Have a fun week!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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