WIPs Be Gone Awry and a Giveaway

I'm working on a couple of WIPs, but nothing I can show you yet except this one that I really want to get a move on, but ???   I don't like it. Something is missing.  Are the Broderie Pers flowers too small?  Looks like I'll have to go on to plan B.  Ugh.

Well, enough of that.  I'm giving away 100 1" hexagon papers this week. These guidelines apply:   Leave me a comment for one chance.  Link your eye candy for another -linky below. Follow me and let me know for a third. Remember if you don't have a blog, you can always post a photo from a photostream.  Please be sure there is some way for me to contact you. Ends next Thursday, midnight. I'll be linking to several parties. Tab above. Blessings!


  1. I agree with you that the flowers are too small, but also think that the background you show is too stark to work well with the rest of it. On the other hand, the small flowers would leave a lot of room for some great quilting on the quilt! I'm a lot of help aren't I?

  2. without seeing more of the quilt I can't tell if they are too small - I would need to see the whole thing

  3. Not sure if the flowers are too small. It will depends on what kind of quilting you plan to make, especially if it is quilted with coloured thread. If you are not happy with it, change it Angie. Otherwise, it will bug you every time you look at it. Good luck with the decision. I haven't done much this week, so I won't link up today. Enjoy the weekend. ;^)

  4. I agree with the others Angie, that the flowers seem small however Moira might have the right idea. The white background might be too much for them.
    I have WIPs Gone today; I was able to finish my two #Pulse quilts for the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild's project and it was so nice to have them shipped off in the mail. They should arrived in Orlando today! I have linked to you for the extra chance and I follow you as well.

    Nice to be back at linking with others; it's been a while!

  5. Not sure, but looks like the quilt has a lot of dark fabrics, then the borders are a medium light. The stark white large border is probably throwing the quilt off, and definitely the corner blocks are clashing with the entire thing.

    I am sure you will study it and come up with something better. Been there done that one!

  6. I think you just need to add more broderie perse flowers!

  7. I'm not digging the border as is, too much white space or not enough, hard to tell without seeing more, but they seem too random as is.

  8. The flowers are pretty but they don't seem to fit with the rest of the quilt we see. I don't have any advice except to say, if you don't like it now, you probably won't like it when it is finished. Blessings, Gretchen villacrestfarm@gmail.com

  9. If you're anything like me, coming up with good ideas for new things (like borders) need " dream time"..... and I haven't been able to think a thought what with the busy summer I've had. Stop the world- I want to get off???!? Can't wait until cooler days, soup weather, and earlier sundowns.....that makes me want to stitch!

  10. Sadly, I got NO sewing time this week, so I have nothing to post and nothing to link for the week. =( I wish you'd shown the whole photograph of your quilt, hard to tell enough with only a corner. Maybe the fabric that has the flowers should be a darker color and the corners wouldn't stand out so wildly? But I like the corners, so leave those and change the border background color. =) As for the flowers being too small, I would have said, rather, that there aren't enough of them scattered in the border I can see.

  11. What if you stitched a few more flowers or a bee or two in the white spaces? That would fill it in and look so adorable! I have been working like a nut this week and haven't set foot in my sewing room. This weekend, I have some mending to do so at least I can sit in front of my machine!

  12. I follow your blog on Bloglovin'!

  13. You are doing wonderful. I just finished Podunk Pretties and I am starting my Twisted Log Cabin. Will see how this goes.

  14. I think its too plain but the flowers are pretty. You are doing a good job.

  15. The flowers are a pretty touch, and I agree that they seem small. Without seeing more, I do have an idea that you might consider: stitching vines or even colourful wavy lines in the white area where the flowers are.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...