The Round is Done

Phew - the star round is done for my Gwennie Inspired Quilt Along.

What took the longest was cutting out the flowers (thank you, Lara for Crafted Applique!) and then deciding where to put each of them. Now I can get on to the next and final round - the fishy one.  I just have 7 days to come up/work on it -lol.

In the de-stashing report - used only .30 yd on three blocks - one a practice block and two Splendid Sampler blocks, but the commissioned quilt is sandwiched, and I'm raring to go on it.  My YTD total is 42.76 yds . 

What are you up to?  Leave me a comment and I'll come by. Friday's giveaway is still open - see top, sidebar for details.  Blessings as we start this last week in September.


  1. It's a lovely border, and I'm sure your fish will be terrific, too. Seven days is plenty of time. LOL

  2. this is coming along beautifully and I am sure the fish will enjoy swimming around the edge

  3. It is looking so pretty ♥

  4. Very, very nice! You can do it in 7 days! I've been puttering. 20 minutes at the sewing machine here, 30 there. It adds up and my ongoing projects are all nearing completion. Enjoy your day! XO

  5. Looking good. You can do it! Fish ... whose idea was that?

  6. Looks great Angie. The flowers are perfect. Not too many, not too lost; just enough I'd say. Good luck with your goal. Seven days for planning and putting together a border doesn't seem like much to me. ;^)

  7. What a lovely project! It looks to me like it's a perfect mix of a cup of vintage with a dash of modern! Very lovely. I'm looking forward to seeing seeing how you incorporate fish into the design. Your quilts are so beautiful that I'm sure it will be amazing! Thank you for sharing! :)

  8. So lovely Angie! You are really sewing a lot.

  9. So gorgeous! I love all of your fine detail and fabrics!

  10. This is coming along beautifully Angie!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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