In Only a Moment

Have I shown you this bag before?  I really can't remember right now. In only a moment it went from grocery bag to walker bag.  Yes, walker bag. I fell and broke my hip in two places.  I was shaking out a pair of DGS Alan's shoes so we could go on a walk, then turned and tripped on the threshold of our patio doors. Alan was right behind me about two feet and in order not to fall on top of him, I twisted to the right and took the full impact of the fall on my hip.

In only a moment the rest of the year has morphed into pain, surgery, coming home to recouperate.  The good news is that I don't have a cast, and the pain is manageable (because of my allergies to most pain meds or opiates - I"m only taking Extra Strength Tylenol).  I've been home from the hospital for about 18 hours and I'm so tired as if I'd work in the coal mines all day.  So I rest 15 minutes and move 15 minutes. LOL - today it took me 30 minutes to brush my teeth.  Needless to say, I won't be doing much driving or sewing as it was my right hip, and it's cumbersome moving in the sewing room (and I Don't want to fall). Prognosis is 3 months - yikes.  Oh well, what must be must be.  I'm hauling out my 26 year old WIP that I am handquilting and will work on that.  Its time has come.

Before I fell, I pulled out this quilt top I found in a container to be WIP #15. It has lime green sashing for the RSC 2015 challenge. Don't really have any lime green scraps even though I like the color.  I don't know if I will get anything done on it, probably not, but we'll see.  It's at least working with the color.

This all happened Friday the 13th, and no, I don't believe all that stuff.  For all those of you who've commented on my quilt show post  and WIPs Be Gone post, thank you.  I'm sure you understand that for a while my time online will be limited and I won't be able to reply very much ( this post has taken most of a day to do what with my limited energy - lol). Be right back - have to walk a bit or I will stiffen up.  But I'd still like to hear from you.  Though you won't notice, I'll be keeping up with you through Bloglovin' and Facebook.

Take care, happy quilting, and watch where you're stepping.
Angie in SoCal


  1. yikes, this is a real bummer. rest up, take care of yourself, and get well soon.

  2. Rarely is this acronym meant so literally ... OMG! Do pamper yourself and take care to minimize your pain.

  3. so sorry to read about your fall, it will take time so enjoy relaxing and some hand stitching reading etc. My SIL broke her hip 2 weeks ago, fell on the way back to bed from the bathroom she is on crutches but having trouble going up and down stairs etc, John my brother is very good at cooking but is now learning to bake cakes for her and generally spoiling her, trust you are being spoilt too.

  4. Oh Angie, I am so sorry to hear this news of you falling and breaking your hip. I will be praying for you to have a speedy recovery. Sometimes the Lord allows things like this to slow us down. Thank the Lord you are home recuperating. Do Enjoy the hand stitching, and hopefully your holidays will be blessed beyond comprehension. Huggs.

  5. Oh my goodness Angie I can almost hear the cracks as you fell, your poor wee DGS must have been so scared seeing you fall. So glad they have been aloud home but remember you really must rest as much as your body tells you to. It will be there tomorrow what does not get done today. Hope you have plenty of hand sewing itching to be done. May be you need to start a scrappy quilt and have boxes of material all around you lots of colour and just randomly sew pieces together. Take care Glenda

  6. So sorry for your misfortune. Take care and take it easy.

  7. Oh my goodness! What bad luck! I hope that you enjoy your hand work and aren't too frustrated about the restrictions that this fall will place upon you. All the best for a speedy recovery!

  8. Oh, Angie, so sorry this happened to you! I guess it could be worse, but an enforced slow-down, for sure. Rest, and we'll send you healing vibes. (((Angie)))

  9. Oh Angie, I feel for you. Seems like you're the type of positive persons who makes lemonade out of lemons, stir fries from leftovers, and quilts from scraps.
    Take your time, heal,breathe, and stitch when you can.

    I truly can relate since I've had a double bone break in 2006 and everything seemed to take forever with exhausion nipping at my " heels". Seemed to become my normal.
    Take care, Jane

  10. Angie - I'm so sorry to hear of your trip and fall. It is terrible how life can change in a split second. I am thinking of you and hoping for a speedy recovery. If there is anything positive to come out of this it will be a hand quilted quilt! Get well soon my cyber friend!

  11. Oh, Angie! Healing is hard work for a body--it takes a lot of energy--so rest up and know that we'll be here when you return.

  12. Wow, I'm so sorry!! It's so easy to have something like that happen and it happens so quickly. It sounds like you have quite the recovery ahead. Take care.

  13. OMGOSH!!! I'm so very sorry to hear that you've been hurt. Gentle, gentle hugs Angie!! :(
    Rest up and get well ASAP!

  14. Angie! Bless your heart..and your hip! Prayers for a quick recovery. Hugs...

  15. Get well slowly, take it steady and allow your body to heal. I wish you many happy hours of sewing while you recover.

  16. Oh I am so sorry. I have been exactly where you are but I fell on my knee. Surgery once and just a lot of pain and swelling the second time. you would think I'd have learned......

    Wishing you less pain, lots of healing and plenty of good sleep and quilting!

  17. I'm so sorry to hear this, and I can't imagine how much that must have hurt. I think you probably have a high pain threshold to get by on any kind of Tylenol! I do hope 3 months turns out to be a pessimistic number and you are feeling much better much sooner. I'm amazed you can walk around at all. I guess this means someone else has to do holiday meals, right? =) Silver lining.

  18. Ditto to what everyone else has said! Hand-stitching will keep your mind busy and may I recommend audio books and podcasts. They are great for keeping one's mind occupied when we are used to being in the middle of our quilt projects. I predict a beautiful quilt....or two....and a renewed appreciation of those who love you as they realize how integral you are to their days. Maybe some extra TLC will come your way when they realize how hard you normally work for them!

    Enjoy the rest time and try not to wish it away. May it be a time of creative thinking and some joyful stitching.

  19. Oh my gosh Angie…….what awful news for you. Get well soon my dear friend..sending special healing hugs from down under xxx

  20. Such horrible luck! Working on hand quilting is a nice change of pace though. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  21. Oh, Angie, I am so sorry to hear your tale! It makes me hurt, and my hip hurts anyhow right now. Please find a peaceful place to be still and heal.


  22. Oh, my goodness! Bless your heart! Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hope that three months fly by!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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