WIPs Be Gone Week 37

I'm still working on those three WIPs - a little progress but not much to show yet.  In between working on those this past week I finished the commissioned quilt.
 This was a comforter that was tied and the batting had shifted. It's the beloved quilt of my DGS so my DIL asked me to fix it.  The fabric is like brushed knit -cozy but problematic to quilt.  So I first had to deconstruct it almost totally to get it to where I could extract the batting.  Yep, the batting had shrunk about 6 inches along the long side.  It looks to be polyester and I was surprised it had shrunk. Who knew?   So cut some new batting and pin basted it heavily to be able to get a good 1/4" seam all around the edges to make an envelope.  I then turned it and check the corners. Two of them had to be resewn as the backing had worn.  I then sewed the opening closed and stitched a 1/4" away from the edge to stabilize it.
  I then heavily pined the quilt again and marked some straight lines to quilt with my walking foot.  The batting said I could easily quilt the lines 8" apart so I made a grid of 6 1/2" squares.
 I didn't go right to the edges so I wouldn't have pleats in the stretchy fabric.  The grid work also kept it nice and soft which is what he liked most of all about it.
I finished the binding on this baby quilt.  It went off to one of our St. Anne's members to tie the large page blocks and then it can go to a new baby.  Hope there is one named Noah.  It could happen as it is a popular name again.

What are you up to? Would love to see it, whether finished or WIP progress or an old post, or even about what is going on in your life - not necessarily quilty. Share your goodness. Linky below ends Monday, midnight.  And I'm linking to Amanda's Finish it Up Friday,  Sarah's Can I get a Whoop, Whoop?,  and Lizzie Lenard's FMQ Mavericks because I did finish two things.


  1. I have fixed the grandchildren's quilts over the years too, they do start to fall apart after awhile. Today I am linking my quilting that I am steadily chipping away at.

  2. You will be top Grandma after fixing a beloved quilt!!

  3. 6" is a very big shrink, do you pre wash the batting? I have not washed mine so fingers crossed all will be well when my quilts are washed. It is so good you were able to restore the quilt again. Yes Noah would be a very good little baby for the ark quilt.

  4. That was a lot of work, but well worth it for someone who loved your gift. =) I've never had Quilter's Cotton 100% cotton shrink 6"! Wow.

  5. Thanks for hosting so we can share our projects. I see my button for my Orphan Adoption Event coming up. Thanks for the support! There is more information about it in the post I linked up. Beautiful job giving that quilt more life!

  6. Sometimes beloved quilts just have to be fixed. I have had to fix worn fabric, but thankfully I have never had to deconstruct in order to remedy lumpy batting. I really like that baby quilt also.

  7. Repairing that quilt was a labour of love!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Flimsy Coming Soon

Three days of playing with scraps and yardage. Just need 2 borders to make this a finished baby quilt flimsy. Blessings,